Author Interview with Judithe Little


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Judithe Little

Judithe Little

Author Interview - Judithe Little

Author of The Chanel Sisters

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Author I draw inspiration from: So many authors from classic to recent: Edith Wharton, Kate Atkinson, Ann Weisgarber, Sue Monk Kidd, Hilary Mantel, Paula McLain. I’d always been intrigued by Hadley Hemingway and I remember when The Paris Wife came out I thought it was such genius to write from the perspective of someone in the orbit of a famous person.

Favorite place to read a book: Anywhere and everywhere. I usually read with the Kindle app on my iphone so that I can read no matter where I am.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with the House of Mirth’s Lily Bart so I could tell her to stop all the nonsense and go be with Selden before it’s too late.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Because I love to read, I always thought it would be fun to write a book. I never took it seriously until I had kids and needed an “adult” world to escape to when they were little. Writing is a great antidote to toddlers because your characters have to do what you tell them. It’s a great antidote, as reading is, to any stress in life.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I’m an unapologetic spine-breaking, corner-folding lover of paperbacks.

The last book I read: Writers and Lovers by Lily King

Pen & paper or computer: Usually computer. Sometimes pen and paper to get ideas going if I’m stuck on a scene.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jane Austen’s Emma. She always had something up her sleeve.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Lawyer (boring, I know).

Favorite decade in fashion history: Any except the 1980s, an era of shoulder pads, perms, and big plastic earrings I hope never to live through again (although it was fun at the time!).

Place I’d most like to travel: Scotland. I could listen to that accent all day long.

My signature drink: Fresca and vodka or tequila. If there are any other Fresca fanatics out there, you know it’s been hard to find since Covid. If anyone has any leads, hook me up!

Favorite artist: I love Michelangelo’s sculptures, Sargent’s Edwardian portraits, Eugene Atget’s turn-of-the-century photographs of Paris.

Number one on my bucket list: At the moment, to go to Paris to see the Chanel exhibition at the Palais Galliera.

Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you for having me!

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Author Bio: Judithe Little is the author of The Chanel Sisters, published December 29,2020 by Graydon House. She grew up in Virginia and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia. After studying at the Institute of European Studies and the Institut Catholique in Paris, France, and interning at the U.S. Department of State, she earned a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law where she was on the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Law and a Dillard Fellow. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and three children, where she is working on her third novel. When she’s not writing or practicing law, Judithe enjoys riding horses, reading, scouring the fields during Round Top Antiques Week, and volunteering.

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

The Chanel Sisters

The Chanel Sisters