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Jes Smyth

Jes Smyth

Author Interview - Jes Smyth

Author of Time for Once

Time for Once is an adult coming-of-age story about love, acceptance, and the mistakes we all make in the messy but crucial process of growth.

Author I draw inspiration from: The writing styles of Rebecca Serle and Barbara Linn Probst

Author Interview - Jes Smyth | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: On the couch wrapped in blankets with a cup of tea or in bed, also wrapped in blankets. As long as there are blankets involved, I'm good!

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Oh gosh, how do you choose?! Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice would be incredibly fascinating to strike up a conversation in a modern piece of machinery unknown to her, that alone would spark all sorts of interesting topics of conversation! But let's be honest, anything she would say would be interesting.

Author Interview - Jes Smyth | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was fourteen and carried around these notebooks during school. I was writing fanfiction about a band I used to be obsessed with. I loved the story. I wanted to always be in the story! So instead of paying attention in my math class, I would often prop a folder upright on my desk and write in my notebook.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All of the above!

The last book I read: The Color of Ice by Barbara Linn Probst — stunning!

Author Interview - Jes Smyth | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Both! I write in a journal often with pen and paper. Drafting a story I use my computer.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Sabrina from The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle. I related to her so much in this story, especially during the formative years of our twenties, and the girl loves Audrey Hepburn! Immediate yes to friend.

Author Interview - Jes Smyth | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I would still want to create in some meaningful way. So, perhaps a social media manager, creating for entrepreneurs in need!

Favorite decade in fashion history: The roaring twenties!

Place I’d most like to travel: So many places but Ireland has been at the top of my list for too long. Now is the time!

My signature drink: whiskey, neat.

Favorite artist: An artist I discovered through the band Dredg, since he did most of the artwork: Drew Roulette

Number one on my bucket list: I have two older sisters and we have yet to take a sisters trip. That's currently number one.

Anything else you'd like to add: Well, yes! I am PROUD to be published independent author and am thrilled indie books are gaining traction in the big publishing world. I hope to be a positive voice in the self-publishing world and will continue to beat down the belief that self-publishing is "less than." Independent authors are some the grittiest folks out there!

Find more from the author:

  • @jes.smyth on both Instagram and TikTok

Author Bio: Jes Smyth is a writer at heart, a poet by accident, and the author of contemporary women’s fiction. With a background in psychology, and a lifetime stuck in her own head, Jes uniquely explores the often misunderstood emotions of change and growth in her debut Time for Once.

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