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Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood

Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood

Author of The Last Season

THE LAST SEASON is a historical fiction novel set in Victorian England about two people from different places in society -- Cassandra Drayton, The daughter of a viscount and Crispin St. John a down-and-out stable boy. The two form an unlikely friendship that takes them from childhood into adulthood. Separated as teens, Crispin and Cassandra venture on their own paths as they come of age—Cassandra enters society while Crispin works his way up in the world. Over the years they secretly keep in touch through letters and when mutual acquaintances bring them together, their honor and duty to their fathers keep them apart. It’s a story of rising and falling fortunes, but ultimately a story about love.

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood

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Author I draw inspiration from: We drew inspiration from a few different authors, classic authors such as Jane Austen and Anthony Trollop as well contemporary authors such as Daisy Goodwin and Julian Fellowes.

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Jenny - the beach
Danielle - airplanes

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Can we both say Mr. Darcy?

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: In high school we joked about it but it turns out that in our hearts we really meant it.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Jenny - hardback
Danielle- ebook

The last book I read: Jenny - The Paper Palace (Miranda Cowley Heller)
Danielle - Katherine (Anya Seton)

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | The Last Book I Read

Author Interview - Jenny Judson & Danielle Mahfood | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Jenny - pen & paper
Danielle - computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Again, we are suckers for Jane Austen, we both say Elizabeth Bennett. In a way she's been our best friend since we first read Pride and Prejudice.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: That's easy. We aren't full time authors. Jenny is an English teacher and Danielle is an executive in financial services.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1920s- who doesn't love Coco Chanel and flappers?

Place I’d most like to travel: Place we go back to time and again: London, Nantucket, Charleston, Florence, Rome, Paris
Places we'd love to go back to: Iceland, India, Positano, Florence, Rome, Paris

My signature drink: Jenny - Pimm's Cup
Danielle - any kind of wine

Favorite artist: We feel like we should be choosing something more edgy but oddly both of us choose Vermeer - maybe that why we're such good friends.

Number one on my bucket list: Jenny - Visit an elephant sanctuary in Africa
Danielle - Visiting Petra

Anything else you'd like to add: Sometimes we look at each other and just laugh. It took us 10 years to write but we finally realized a high school dream.

Find more from the author:

  • daniandjenny.authors (Instagram and FB)

Author Bio: Jenny Judson and Danielle Mahfood, who met in high school, share a mutual love of historical fiction and romance novels. Instead of passing notes in class, they would write short excerpts from imaginary novels that featured themselves and their classmates as characters caught up in tales of romance and adventure. Many years later, after cheering for opposite teams at Harvard-Yale games, they came together in New York City to begin writing The Last Season, their first novel.

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The Last Season

The Last Season