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Heidi M. Thomas

Heidi M. Thomas

Author Interview - Heidi M. Thomas

Author of Rescuing Samantha

“With dreams of raising Thoroughbreds, Samantha Moser leases the Montana ranch that once belonged to her great grandmother, a trail-blazing rodeo cowgirl. After back-breaking work to fix up the abandoned, dilapidated ranch and a disastrous blizzard, her fiancé lacks the courage that runs in Samantha’s blood, and he leaves her. Struggling with shattered dreams, a proposed takeover of the land for an exotic animal refuge, and financial difficulties, Samantha must take a job on a dude ranch. In the midst of all the uncertainty, she rediscovers the healing power of horses for children and what life’s purpose is for her. But knowing her purpose might not be enough. Can she help a young girl overcome her insecurities, battle the investment group threatening the land, and trust the man who has a stake in the takeover while he professes his help?”

Author Interview - Heidi M. Thomas

Author Interview - Heidi M. Thomas

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Author I draw inspiration from: Jane Kirkpatrick, Lisa Wingate, Ivan Doig

Favorite place to read a book: My recliner

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: As a little kid, as soon as I could spell words.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: The Silent Sister, Diane Chamberlain

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jo of Little Women

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: teacher

Place I’d most like to travel: Australia

My signature drink: Red wine

Number one on my bucket list: Experience the glass walk over the Grand Canyon

Anything else you'd like to add: I love to hike, and I'm the "personal assistant" to an all-black kitty, Sweetie.

Find more from the author:

  • Heidi M. Thomas, Author (on Facebook)

Author Bio: Heidi M. Thomas grew up on a working ranch in eastern Montana, riding and gathering cattle for branding and shipping. Her parents taught her a love of books, and her grandmother rode bucking stock in rodeos. She followed her dream of writing, with a journalism degree from the University of Montana. Heidi is the author of the award-winning “Cowgirl Dreams” novel series and Cowgirl Up: A History of Rodeo Women.

Seeking the American Dream and Finding True Home are based on her mother who emigrated from Germany after WWII. Rescuing Samantha is her sixth novel. She makes her home in North-Central Arizona.

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