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Greta Kelly

Greta Kelly

Author Interview - Greta Kelly

Author of The Queen of Days

From Greta Kelly, the author of the Warrior Witch duology, comes The Queen of Days, an epic adventure that weaves together a flawed-but-lovable family of thieves, a battle between fallen gods, and stakes high enough to cause vertigo--perfect for fans of The Lies of Locke Lamora and Six of Crows. For Balthazar and his family of thieves, stealing a statue during the annual celebration of the god Karanis was just a good bit of fun...or a way to stick it to the governor who murdered his parents. And yeah, the small fortune in reward doesn't hurt--even if his boss also hired the mysterious Queen of Days to join the crew as "the weapon of last resort..." Whatever that means. But Bal doesn't know the ceremony isn't simply empty words and dusty tradition; it's true magic. The kind of magic that rips open a portal for the god himself. Only the idol that Karanis planned on using for a body now lies broken at the Queen of Days' feet. And half of it is missing. With the aid of a lovable brawler, a society lady turned bomb maker, a disgraced soldier, and a time-eating demon, Bal must hunt down the missing half of the statue if he has any hope of earning his money, keeping his crew alive...and perhaps even saving all of humanity. But as his journey sends him racing through the city--and across realities--he discovers that doing all this might just doom the city. The city be damned. It's time to kill a god.

Author I draw inspiration from:

The Queen of Days came, in part, from my love for Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. These books were filled with lovable, flawed and intensely nuanced characters facing impossible odds. It was certainly something that I tried to emulate with The Queen of Days. The Talion gang are lovable misfits, chaos gremlins who don't start out as particularly honorable. They aren't the kind of heroes that anyone would have chosen. Or asked for. Or even would really want, but they are there and they step up to the plate and save the day in their own chaotic and messy way.

Author Interview - Greta Kelly | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I am a chaos reader, and by that I mean I read wherever I get the chance. Usually this means that I curl up in bed after my toddlers go to bed, but I also love reading outside. I have a fenced in backyard, so I often sit back in the sun and soak in a story while my girls are hunting pixies and chasing invisible monsters.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Jesper from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. He is such a funny character! Even though he's a gunslinger, and not an elevator repair person, I think he'd be so hilarious that the time spent trapped would be hysterical fun that I'd be talking about for the rest of my life.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

Although I've been writing for as long as I can remember, for most of my early life being an author didn't seem like something real people did. It's not surprising that I came to this conclusion. I started college in the early 2000's, a time when everyone was proclaiming that print media was dead, and so I went off and got a business degree because that was the practical choice. It wasn't until I started working professionally that I realized I had nothing to lose, so why not try. And that's what I did. On my lunch breaks, I could be found scribbling furiously in notebook after notebook. Words stacked and multiplied until I had written what became my first published book, The Frozen Crown. Ever since then, my career has been made up of, 'why Not me' moments. Moments where I said to myself, "I know it's a long shot, but you will miss every shot you don't take." And so that's what I've been doing ever since. Betting on myself. Taking the shot.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I am a sucker for a hardback book. They are just soooo pretty. But I'm also a voracious ebook reader because there is nothing like the portability of reading on my phone. But it just means that when I find a book that I love I have to go and buy a physical copy too. I don't usually by paperbacks, since I prefer the other two, but if it's a book I really love I'll grab it in paperback as well. I'm also not much of an audiobook reader. I really like to immerse myself in a story and it's hard for me to do that when someone else's voice is in my head. That said, on a long car ride, you can usually find me clicking on an audiobook of a story I am totally unfamiliar with.

The last book I read:

I absolutely loved Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross! It's a fantasy book about two journalists connected by fate. As the title suggests, they start the story as rivals, but end the book in a VERY different place. The book was just so sumptuous and swoon-worthy. And the world was so unique. I've never read a fantasy that takes place in an alternate WWI-type setting but Ross drew this world masterfully! I cannot wait for the second book in this series!

Author Interview - Greta Kelly | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I usually draft my books on the computer, although I find that switching to pen and paper is a great way to bust out of writer's block on the days when I don't feel inspired. I am also someone who likes to plot out their stories ahead of time. I wish I was the kind of author who could just sit down and write from scratch, but alas, I tried that once and it was a disaster! Instead I sketch out the plot fist. I know some writers worry that this will take the magic away from the process, but for me, an outline is just a guidepost. You can always veer away from it when the story needs to, but when you feel lost in the weeds, the outline is there to lead you back.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

I recently read The Rose Code by Kate Quinn and I saw a lot of myself in the character of Mab. Her story line is quite tragic, but I felt that we were sort of kindred spirits. She's such a practical, suck-it-up and get sh*t done kind of character that I think she'd be a great friend.

Author Interview - Greta Kelly | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

I think I'd like to go to art school and learn to pain. My grandma Dot was a wonderful self-taught artist and I learned the ropes from her when I was a kid. I still kick myself for giving it up!

Favorite decade in fashion history:

I'm researching the late 1930's right now for a fantasy book I'm drafting, and daaaaannng the FASHION! My Pinterest board is chock full of jaunty little hats and fierce skirt suits. I love it!

Place I’d most like to travel:

I've been really lucky to have traveled quite extensively through Western Europe and north Africa. I even taught English in Japan during college. I would love to travel to Brazil someday. It just looks so vibrant and drenched in color and chaos and life. Definitely a bucket list destination for me!

My signature drink:

I love a sidecar! It's a classic drink that has everything-- it's citrus-y and sweet. Sheer perfection!

Favorite artist:

Melissa McCracken is an artist with synesthesia which means that she can see music. Her paintings are all based on some of her favorite songs and they are magical and etherial and haunting all at the same time. You have to check her out!

Number one on my bucket list:

I am an absolute nerd, so I would love to go to San Diego Comic Con someday. It looks like a week of absolute chaos, but I think it would be so fun to experience!

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About Greta Kelly:

I am the author of the critically acclaimed adult fantasy novels The Frozen Crown and The Seventh Queen (Harper Voyager), and my third book, The Queen of Days will be out in 2023 (Voyager). My writing has also appeared in Nerdist, i09 and Writer’s Digest. I currently live in Wisconsin with my husband EJ, daughters Lorelei and Nadia who are doing their level-best to take over the world.

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Eskor David Johnson