Author Interview with Faye Snowden


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Faye Snowden

Faye Snowden

Author Interview - Faye Snowden

Author of A Killing Rain

After former homicide Raven Burns returns to Byrd’s Landing, Louisiana to begin a new life, she soon finds herself trapped by the old one when her nephew is kidnapped by a ruthless serial killer, and her foster brother becomes the main suspect. To make matters worse, she is being pursued by two men— one who wants to redeem her soul for the murder Raven felt she had no choice but to commit, and another who wants to lock her away forever.

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Author I draw inspiration from: I write dark. My villains are charming with inner cores of pure evil. I put my heroine— homicide detective Raven Burns— through pure hell while forcing her to battle her own internal demons on almost every page. So, I not only have to think about how to stay inspired, but I also have to think about how to stay grounded while carrying around the seeds of such terrible stories.

The way I stay grounded is to remember that though I may have a character who has to fight for every inch of joy she experiences, there are many things in my life that I love and things that bring me joy. I'm able to maintain the distance between my life and the characters I create by remembering that. They only live on the page. I don't set a place for them at my table, and I definitely don't let them drink up all my good liquor!

For inspiration, I look to the stories of my own life, and that of my extended family. I also find inspiration in news stories and TV shows. I have been a big fan of shows like Law and Order and Dateline forever. Lastly, I love reading great fiction regardless of genre. Reading a good piece of literature makes me want to go out and write some myself!

Favorite place to read a book: Outside in full sun with a light breeze going. I usually go to a park close to my house and lay a blanket out on the grass. The best.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: It would definitely be the unnamed character in Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man. The first thing I would ask him? Yes, you guessed it, his name. And another? Why in the heck did it take so long for you to fall down that hole after all this country put you through?

For a character in a contemporary novel, I'd would want to have a chat with Cass Raines of Tracy Clark's Runner. I'd like to talk fathers with her as Raven is having problems with her own father—albeit on an entirely different (and incredibly scary) level.

Author Interview - Faye Snowden | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I'd say from the time I was 9 or 10. I fell in love with reading and writing almost from the moment I was introduced.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: This makes me laugh. All of them. I usually have 3 books going at a time. It goes like this- 1 paperback or hardback, 1 e-book, and 1 audiobook. I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded.

The last book I read: Midnight Hour: A Chilling Anthology of Crime Fiction from 20 authors of Color ed. by Abby L. Vandiver. I have a story in this book, and wanted to see what the other stories were like. I was not disappointed.

Author Interview - Faye Snowden | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: I would like to say pen and paper, but it's a computer for me...something about seeing the words form on a blank screen keeps me going.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Dang. I read dark books, usually, so they are all so messed up. I don't know if I could be best friends with any of them-- maybe a best therapist friend? Okay, seriously, Cass Raines in Borrowed Time by Tracy Clark.

Author Interview - Faye Snowden | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Lawyer. Always wanted to be a lawyer.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Easy. 1920's. Love the drama and rebellion against the Victorian period of fashion.

Place I’d most like to travel: Italy, Greece, or any place with lots of sun and acres of sparkling blue water.

My signature drink: Old Fashioned-- not to sweet, though. And over craft ice.

Favorite artist: There are many favorites, but if I have to choose one, it would be Bruce Springsteen if we are talking music. Aside from the stories he tells, his work ethic, integrity, and devotion to his craft inspire me to no end. I try to emulate that as much as I can. His picture is hanging in my office right above my computer. It gets me going when I'm stuck.

Number one on my bucket list: Finish writing a novel that is outside of my genre, one I've been thinking about for years. After that? Vacation in Italy!

Anything else you'd like to add: No, except great questions. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to natter on about myself.

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Author Bio: Faye Snowden is the author of dark, southern gothic mysteries with strong (and flawed) female leads. She has published short stories and poems in various literary journals, anthologies, and small presses including The African American Review. A Killing Rain, a new book in her noir mystery Killing series (Flame Tree Press) will be released in June, 2022. Her short story, “One Bullet. One Vote” was selected for inclusion in The Best American Mystery & Suspense 2021 edited by Alafair Burke and Steph Cha. Faye is a member of Sisters in Crime and serves as secretary for SinC National. Aside from her publications, she managed two boys, a husband, five dogs and three competitive writing fellowships over the years. Today, Faye works and writes from her home in Northern California. Learn more about Faye at

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