Eva Lesko Natiello


Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

Eva Lesko Natiello

Eva Lesko Natiello

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Author I draw inspiration from: Janet Fitch

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Favorite place to read a book: the beach!

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Hermione Granger (for obvious reasons . . .)

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: After I received an email from a complete stranger asking me when my next book was coming out.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: paperback

The last book I read: The Alchemist (on audio with Jeremy Irons narrating—need I say more?)

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Pen & paper or computer: both—depends on if I'm driving

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Pippi Longstocking

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

Author Interview - Eva Lesko Natiello

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: an actress

Favorite decade in fashion history: the 50's

Place I’d most like to travel: St. Barth's, Provence, Amsterdam, Ibiza, Greece

My signature drink: Margarita at The Hudson in Sedona

Favorite artist: Wes Anderson

Number one on my bucket list: travel the world

Anything else you'd like to add: Thanks for this fun interview!

Follow Eva Lesko Natiello here:





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