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Elissa Grossell Dickey

Elissa Grossell Dickey

Author Interview - Elissa Grossell Dickey

Author of Iris in the Dark

Iris Jenkins knows that bad things happen. She’s tried to escape these things for years. So when Iris is entrusted to house-sit at a lodge on the South Dakota prairie, she thinks she’s prepared for anything. But late one night, she hears a chilling cry for help coming from a walkie-talkie buried in a box of toys. As the calls get more desperate, personal, and menacing, Iris realizes the person on the other end isn’t reaching out for help. They’re reaching out to terrorize her. Now the only way for Iris to move forward in life is to confront the past she’s been running from…a threat that has now followed her into the dark.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Ruth Ware. I love her writing and story-telling - all of her books are page-turners!

Author Interview - Elissa Grossell Dickey | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Curled up in a cozy chair with a cup of coffee.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Probably Lily from Sara Goodman Confino's For the Love of Friends because she's super funny and would hopefully crack jokes to lighten the mood! (This book is so good!)

Author Interview - Elissa Grossell Dickey | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I've wanted to be an author my whole life, so it's hard to pinpoint one moment! As a kid, I would read any and every book I could get my hands on, and I wanted to write my own stories someday.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Audiobook - I love listening to them in the car!

The last book I read: Parting the Veil by Paulette Kennedy. It's a swoony, creepy, amazing must-read!

Author Interview - Elissa Grossell Dickey | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Marin from Meet Me in Paradise by Libby Hubscher. I related to her so much - everything from playing it safe to being a nervous flyer! And the book is absolutely incredible!

Author Interview - Elissa Grossell Dickey | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Communications professional...which just happens to be what I am at my day job!

Favorite decade in fashion history: I am not fashionable at all, but I love the 90s in general!

Place I’d most like to travel: Ireland. I've been there twice (including studying abroad there during college), but I love it so much and would love to go back again.

My signature drink: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee!

Favorite artist: I'm going with musical artist for this one, and a few of my all-time favorites are Pink, Celine Dion, and Adele.

Number one on my bucket list: It's cheesy and not writing-related, but I want to take my kids to Disney World!

Anything else you'd like to add: My debut, The Speed of Light, came out last March and follows a tumultuous year in the life of a woman grappling with an MS diagnosis, a new love, and a terrifying workplace incident. March is MS Awareness Month, and I have some Bookstagram tours planned to mark the book's one-year anniversary!

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: @elissaadickey

  • Twitter: @elissadickey

  • Facebook: @elissagrosselldickey

Author Bio: Elissa Grossell Dickey is a former journalist who now works in higher education communications. Stories have always been a big part of Elissa’s life—from getting lost in a book as a child to now reading bedtime stories to her own kids. She has shared her journey of living with multiple sclerosis through blog posts for the National MS Society. Elissa grew up in northern Minnesota and now lives in South Dakota with her husband and children. She is the author of the novels The Speed of Light and Iris in the Dark. Learn more at www.elissaadickey.wordpress.com.

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