Denny S. Bryce
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
ORDINARY PEOPLE meets CHICAGO the musical as played out in the city's Black Belt, Wild Women and the Blues is a historical fiction novel that weaves the stories of a grieving film student in 2015 and an ambitious chorus girl in 1925 in a tale of history, love, and secrets that only family can define.
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
Author I draw inspiration from: Alice Walker, Lily King, and Beatriz Williams
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
Favorite place to read a book: On my balcony:).
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Meg Murry from A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L 'Engle.
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I wrote my first fan-fiction based on the television series Charlie's Angels, I changed the names of the main characters to those of my three best friends: Yvette, Linda, and Mary. But that meant Charlie's Angels had to be four girls instead of three because I refused to leave out any of my best girlfriends, and of course, I had to be an Angel, too. Yes, I was rather young at the time (but in hindsight, not as young as I should've been:).
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All of the above. I have been known to have two copies of a book
The last book I read: The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner and The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson (I multi-task and read more than one book at a time).
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
Pen & paper or computer: Computer! My handwriting is nothing but a memory:).
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
Author Interview - Denny S. Bryce
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Anyone of the other careers I've had and loved including professional modern dancer in Chicago and New York City, Media Relations Specialist, Owner of my own Event Management, Marketing, and PR firm, amateur Tennis player:)...
Favorite decade in fashion history: I love the 1950s. The cinched-waist dresses with the super full skirt, the pencil skirt, the fabrics and the patterns--I love polka dots--and gloves!
Place I’d most like to travel: Places I'd like to return when travel reenters my lifestyle include Maui, London, Rome, Napa Valley, New York City, San Francisco, and Salt Lake City during the Sundance Film Festival.
My signature drink: I am a huge fan of a glass of white wine, preferably Sauvignon Blanc, but otherwise, a very dry vodka martini is perfection.
Favorite artist: Musical artist is jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald. Painter is Archibald Motley.
Number one on my bucket list: The first item on my bucket list is to return to Maui for an extended stay. I love the Hawaiian Islands but adored Maui. It would be great to spend a year there (big dreamer that I am:)!
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Author Bio: Denny S. Bryce, an award-winning recipient of the RWA Golden Heart®, was a three-time GH finalist, including twice for Wild Women and the Blues, her debut novel. She also writes book reviews for NPR Books and entertainment articles for FROLIC Media. Additionally, the former professional dancer and public relations professional is a self-proclaimed history geek.
In college, she minored in history but her love of 20th century American history, 19th-century British history, and Africa she credits to her maternal grandmother, Ella Elizabeth Joseph, who immigrated from Montego Bay, Jamaica to New York City in 1923, and her father, Leicester Collinwood, born and raised in Bermuda (a British Overseas Territory) who came to America to attend Wilberforce University in Ohio in the 1950s.
Denny recently relocated from Northern Virginia to Savannah, Georgia, and is enjoying the bright sunshine and warmer weather and looks forward to working on her next project.