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Denise Williams

Denise Williams

Author Interview - Denise Williams

Author of How to Fail at Flirting

“How to Fail at Flirting is about Dr. Naya Turner, a professor who threw herself into work following an abusive relationship. Years later, she’s still healing and her job is in trouble; she decides to re-claim some spontaneity in her life. As a good type A person, she does this by making a to-do list that includes flirting with a stranger. After several cocktails, and despite some serious flirting fails, the stranger ends up being someone she can’t get enough of. Jake is in town on business and seems perfect until a few of his secrets come out and Naya has to decide between love and her career.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Kennedy Ryan. Her books are so beautifully written with multidimensional, complicated characters, and swoon-worthy love scenes. I adore her entire catalogue.

Favorite place to read a book: My idea reading spot is snuggled in an arm chair next to a window between a snowy day outside and a crackling fireplace inside. I would settle in for the day and get lost in a romance novel.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I wouldn't mind being stuck in an elevator with Oliver Lore from Dark Wild Night by Christina Lauren. He's book boyfriend goals and I'd love listening to him talk about comics and pop culture and all with his Australian accent.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I've always wanted to tell stories--even as a kid, I'd make up elaborate tales about my toys or favorite shows. In third grade, I wrote a three page, seven act play that I made the neighborhood kids act out. I never seriously thought about being an author until a few years ago when I started reading romance novels by people I admired and I decided I wanted to work toward doing what they do.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I do 90% of my reading via ebooks and audiobooks, but I'm always excited to buy physical copies of my favorites to have on my shelf.

The last book I read: I just finished How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole, Alyssa is such a powerhouse and this book was a wonderful addition to her catalogue with complex and interesting characters and charming prose.

Pen & paper or computer: I want to be a pen and paper writer--it seems so much more romantic, but I'm a computer girl all the way. That doesn't stop me from buying journals all the time, though.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I'm taking it back old school, but growing up, I thought I and Claudia Kishi from the Babysitter's Club books would be great friends. As grownups, I think we'd have similar tastes in cocktails, bad TV, and petty hot takes.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Well, I have a PhD and work in academic as an administrator and sometimes as an instructor. I love my job, so without authoring, I'd still be doing that. I love how many parallels I can draw between my author life and my academic life, though. I think writing romance has made me a better academic writer and peer reviewing academic articles has made getting book critique somewhat easier.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I was a child of the nineties, so I'll always have a soft spot for neon colors, flannel baby doll dresses, and chunky heels.

Place I’d most like to travel: Anywhere outside my home and office sounds pretty awesome right now. I've always wanted to go to Italy and Ireland and can't wait for travel to open up again so I can go on an adventure.

My signature drink: Just like Naya, I am a fan of gin and tonics but most of the time, you'll spot me with a Diet Coke in my hand.

Favorite artist: I love Bria Nicole's artwork--I have two prints in my office and I need more wall space because the work is colorful and representative of people I love with vibrant skin tones and beautiful bodies of all sizes. She's available on Instagram @briapaints.

Number one on my bucket list: I want to go skydiving! I'm a little bit of a coward and kind of scared of heights, but I've wanted to jump out of a plane for decades.

Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you for having me!

Find more from the author:

  • I'm on twitter and Instagram @nicwillwrites.

Author Bio: Denise Williams wrote her first book in the 2nd grade. I Hate You and its sequel, I Still Hate You, featured a tough, funny heroine, a quirky hero, witty banter, and a dragon. Minus the dragons, these are still the books she likes to write. After penning those early works, she finished second grade and eventually earned a PhD. She now lives in Iowa with her husband, son, and two cute but horrible dogs. How to Fail at Flirting is her debut novel.

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How to Fail at Flirting

How to Fail at Flirting