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Debbie Johnson

Debbie Johnson

Author Interview - Debbie Johnson

Author of Maybe One Day

“In the spirit of Ruth Hogan and Adriana Trigiani, bestselling British author Debbie Johnson brings us the ultimate in “happy tears”: a heartfelt story about a woman seizing the chance to reconnect with her lost love.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: There are so many writers I love, who inspire me for different reasons. Some write in such a beautiful way that they make me want to be a better writer – like James Lee Burke, I find his descriptions breathtaking. I love female-led detective series, with inspiring leads such as VI Warshawski in the Sara Paretsky books, or Kinsey Millhone in the Sue Grafton novels. But if there is one author I am endlessly admiring of, and would love to be like, it is Nora Roberts/JD Robb. Her output is amazing, she creates such vivid worlds, and I don’t think she’s capable of telling a bad story. She makes it all seem so effortless – and I know it’s not! The perfect collision of talent and work ethic.

Favorite place to read a book: I am one of those people who will read anything, anywhere. I always have a book in the car, a book upstairs, a book downstairs, and usually one in the bathroom – just so I never get caught without reading material! At home, though, I’d say that time when you fall into bed at the end of a long day, all snuggly and warm in your comfy clothes, and even when you’re exhausted, a quick 20 minute read to close the day out. I love that. But I also love reading in sunshine – in the garden or a park in nice weather, or in a quiet spot on the beach. Books and birdsong go so well together.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: well, on a practical level, Jack Reacher would probably be able to get you out! And Robert B Parker’s Spenser would tell some amazing stories. There’s probably also some fine Jane Austen characters who would spin a yarn or two...but being totally honest, stick me in an elevator with Bridget Jones, and a couple of bottles of bubbly to celebrate our imperfections with!

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I always wrote stories. I was that child who was always buried in a book, or always had a pen and paper. I had an unsettled childhood, and that was my escape. I remember a teacher telling me when I was 10 that I’d be an author – but it actually took me a long time to get there, because life (as it does) got in the way! So the short answer is: I always knew.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:  I’m not fussy, a good book is a good book, but mainly paperback. My whole house is a book-mountain avalanche risk, there are piles of them everywhere.

The last book I read: A fantasy novel called A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie – I love a bit of fantasy.

Pen & paper or computer: Both. Computer for writing the books, pen and paper for making notes. I keep a pad and a pen about my person at all times, and next to my bed for when I literally dream up ideas!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:  If I wasn’t getting drunk with Bridget, then I think I’d enjoy the company of Jo March – she’s smart, loyal, fun and daring.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: journalist, probably, as it’s what I did before. And I did love it. But if I was to ever be in a position to retrain and start a new career now, I’d probably be drawn to working with older people or vulnerable adults. 

Favorite decade in fashion history: crikey that’s a hard one! I’m sure they all have their pros and cons. I think I’d probably go with 70s though. There was something surprisingly chic about bell bottoms and halter neck tops!

Place I’d most like to travel: North America

My signature drink: a pint of Guinness

Favorite artist: I really don’t know – I like lots from different eras and in different styles. I love art and visiting galleries, but I’m sadly not very knowledgeable on the subject! I love art that makes me feel strong emotions, even if it’s ‘yuk’ rather than ‘yum’. 

Number one on my bucket list: I don’t have one – I’d like to travel more, I yearn to visit new places, but beyond that I am happy enough with the simple things in life: friends, family, home, my dogs, a long walk on a lovely day.

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Author Bio: Debbie Johnson is an award-winning author who lives and works in Liverpool, England, where she divides her time between writing, caring for a small tribe of children and animals, and not doing the housework.

She writes feel-good emotional women's fiction, and has sold more than 1,000,000 books worldwide. She is published globally in nine different languages, and has had two books optioned for film and TV.

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Fred Dickey

Fred Dickey

Maybe One Day

Maybe One Day