Author Interview with Danielle Jackson


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Danielle Jackson

Danielle Jackson

Author Interview - Danielle Jackson

Author of The Accidental Pinup

When Cassie Harris, a Black plus-size boudoir/pinup photographer finds herself in front of the camera instead of behind it, starring in a body positivity lingerie ad campaign, she's stunned when the photographer hired to take the photos of her scantily clad is none other than Reid Montgomery, her biggest professional rival. Things start to heat up off camera when Cassie and Reid both start to see that there's more to the other than they realized... But with the ad campaign's and their own professional success on the line, will they be willing to risk it all to be together?

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Author I draw inspiration from: Alyssa Cole! She can write everything--historical romance, contemporary romance, science fiction romance, thrillers... She's funny, poignant, a little angsty, and heartwarming all at the same time.

Author Interview - Danielle Jackson | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: I have a daybed in my office with SO MANY THROW PILLOWS, precisely set up so I can sit comfortably and read to my heart's content. It's also a room that gets a lot of natural light, even on cloudy/rainy days, so it's just lovely all around.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Charlotte Holmes, from Sherry Thomas's Lady Sherlock Series. The most recent release was MISS MORIARTY, I PRESUME?. Charlotte is so incredibly smart and resourceful, she'd be able to get us out of the elevator quite quickly, and then insist we have tea and cakes together after.

Author Interview - Danielle Jackson | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment, because I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be an author or a writer in some way. I think I was probably 6 or 7 when I started to fully understand that "actual" people wrote the books I was reading, and that it was something I could do one day, too.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Yes. (I read in all formats! They are all preferred in this house!)

The last book I read: From Bad to Cursed by Lana Harper. I am here for Lana's small town of witches and all the shenanigans they get into!

Author Interview - Danielle Jackson | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Pen & paper for brainstorming, computer for all the rest!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Yinka, from YINKA, WHERE IS YOUR HUZBAND? by Lizzie Damilola Blackburn. Yinka is a young Nigerian-British woman who is trying to figure out her way in life, and along the way throughout her story, she gives such biting, witty, remarks about the people around her, but she's also deeply devoted to her family and friends. I feel like we'd be able to chat for hours and have a lot of fun!

Author Interview - Danielle Jackson | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: bookseller! I'm cheating a bit, because I do work at a bookstore (I'm an event coordinator at an independent bookstore in the Chicago suburbs), but every bookseller I know is so awesome and in another life, perhaps I'd be one, too!

Favorite decade in fashion history: I love the glamour of the 1940s!

Place I’d most like to travel: I'd love to go to the Mediterranean one day.

My signature drink: On special occasions, I love a cool, crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc. But most days you can find me guzzling Earl Grey tea.

Favorite artist: Georgia O'Keefe's florals and landscapes take my breath away.

Number one on my bucket list: Release a book! ;-)

Anything else you'd like to add: Always make time to read books that make you happy!

Find more from the author:

  • I am @DJacksonBooks on Twitter and Instagram.

Author Bio: Danielle Jackson is a contemporary romance author, avid reader, lackluster-yet-mighty crafter, and accomplished TV binge-watcher.

Once upon a time, she was a publicist in publishing and continues to cultivate her love of books and reading by chatting with the best authors in the business as an event coordinator at an independent bookstore and as the co-host of the Fresh Fiction podcast. She also moderates panels, interviews authors, and hosts a romance book club.

Danielle lives in Chicagoland with her very own romance hero husband, darling daughter, and two tempestuous cats.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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The Accidental Pinup

The Accidental Pinup