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Dan Padavona

Dan Padavona

Author Interview - Dan Padavona

Author of Grave Girl

An autistic sheriff pursues a dangerous criminal after a star athlete's girlfriend goes missing. Did the boy murder his girlfriend and bury her in the woods? The sheriff’s gut tells him there’s more to the story than the boyfriend is willing to admit. The more he digs into the case, the more he worries someone is hiding a dark secret. Is the boy a killer. Or is he the next victim?

Author Interview - Dan Padavona

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Author I draw inspiration from: Dean Koontz is one of the few thriller authors who can take you on a chilling ride and still instill hope and positivity. A sense of goodwill pervades his work, and I always reach the final page feeling better about myself than I did when I began.

Author Interview - Dan Padavona | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Beside the ocean. Give me a crashing tide, swooping seagulls, and a sunny day, and I'll read until I burn to a crisp. There's nowhere else that inspires me in quite the same. Though I love to read fiction on the beach, self-improvement and success non-fiction are perfect companions.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Nick Andros (The Stand, Stephen King). I can't think of too many more resilient characters. He'd keep me calm, find a way to communicate (he was deaf and mute), and probably save us somehow. And if Randall Flagg showed up, Andros would save the day.

Author Interview - Dan Padavona | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I finished reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. The first novel in the Kingkiller series is brilliant and immersing, almost poetic. It truly is one of the best pieces of fiction I've encountered. The story inspired me to write and create something people would remember.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: ebook. Listen, I can pack thousands of books on a single device smaller than a thin paperback. What isn't there to love?

The last book I read: The Power of One More (Ed Mylett). I appreciate books which help me become a better person and reach my goals. This is one of the better self-improvement books on the market.

Author Interview - Dan Padavona | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I commit too many typos to erase by hand.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Lizzy Gardner (Abducted by T.R. Ragan). She was a tortured spirit who became a badass private investigator worthy of admiration. Plus, she displays a sense of humor, and we need more people who know the value of laughter.

Author Interview - Dan Padavona | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Storm chasing meteorologist. I've chased twisters in West Texas. Tornadoes are the ultimate display of nature's power, both terrifying and awe inspiring.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1950s. I totally picture myself with greased hair, jeans, a leather jacket, and driving with the top down and Eddie Cochran on the radio.

Place I’d most like to travel: Hawaii. My daughter beat me to the punch and actually lived there for a few months. It looks like heaven on earth. Plus I love hot and humid weather.

My signature drink: Green Tea. Yes, I'm easy to please.

Favorite artist: The Smiths. No other band makes angst and mental torture sound so endearing.

Number one on my bucket list: I prefer to live in the present and celebrate what I have . . . but I'd really like to try parasailing someday.

Anything else you'd like to add: Though I take pride in taking readers on scary rides that spike their adrenaline, I use my books to build understanding between people from different races and socioeconomic backgrounds. Overcoming adversity through love and friendship is a theme that pervades many of my stories.

Find more from the author:

  • My website (danpadavona.com) - I have a free ebook offer there for anyone who wants an introduction to my style.

  • Twitter: @danpadavona

  • Instagram: @dan_padavona

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