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C.R. Rice

C.R. Rice

Author Interview - C.R. Rice

Author of Honorable Darkness

Honorable Darkness is the origin story for Hex and Snip, the first twins born in the Realm since the Eternals.

Author I draw inspiration from: Terry Pratchett - I love his ability to weave a unique and fantastical story that keeps you on the edge of your seat while also making you laugh.
Scott Westerfeld - He comes up with such incredible worlds and ideas that it makes me want to push the envelope of world building and character creation.
P.C. and Kristin Cast - They have created such an intriguing world in The House of Night that it made me pay more attention to not falling in with the traditional themes of paranormal and magic.

Author Interview - C.R. Rice | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Anywhere! As much as I love having a physical book in my hands, being able to open my phone or tablet in the car, at a restaurant, or at the pool has really upped my reading ability.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Rincewind from the Rincewind Series by Terry Pratchett. He gets into such crazy situations, most of which would be avoidable if he just paid a little more attention. He also has a sidekick named The Luggage that is the craziest most sarcastic item to exist. I would love the chance to have a conversation with the pair.

Author Interview - C.R. Rice | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I knew I wanted to become an author when I ran out of things to read and fell into a reading slump because I couldn't find something that could draw me in, so I wrote one.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback for my personal collection.
Paperback if I get to bring books on a trip.
Ebook for anytime escapism.

The last book I read: The Never Hero - T. Ellery Hodges.

Author Interview - C.R. Rice | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: I use both.
I love using the computer because I can hammer out pages faster but when I find myself stuck I switch to pen and paper and it draws me out of my slump.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Serena - Locked Out of Heaven. I can't think of a cooler best friend to have then a sarcastic, snarky, uplifting Mermaid.

Author Interview - C.R. Rice | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: If I weren't an author....I bounce around a lot when asked this question and I feel like the answer changes depending on the day. So, today I will say Librarian because if I wasn't able to create worlds, I would want to be surrounded but an endless amount and help people find the one they never knew they needed.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 80's or 90's. Both for the same reason.....everyone seemed so carefree and comfortable in what they were wearing and who they were and it showed in their clothing.

Place I’d most like to travel: Ireland. One of the first books I remember checking out from the library was one called The Big Book of Ireland and every page looked like something straight out of a fairy tale.

My signature drink: Captain and Coke with Lime!

Favorite artist: I'm gonna have to go to music artist on this one because I'm not great with actual art. Ed Sheeran and Mariana Trench

Number one on my bucket list: Go to Ireland! It has been at the top for a while, I've done a few lower on the list so I think it's time to start at the top!

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram - @authorcrrice

  • Facebook - @authorcrrice

Author Bio: C.R. Rice is a YA fantasy/sci-fi writer. As someone who grew up in a small town, she has always loved journeying into the world of fantasy, paranormal and legend, enjoying the chaotic beauty of their limitless possibilities. C.R. has dedicated herself to creating that same distraction for anyone who wants to escape the boring reality of life and immerse themselves in her universe. Through the years, she has traveled to dozens of different states and countries, enjoying all the unique treasures each place has to offer.

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