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Clive Fleury

Clive Fleury

Author Interview - Clive Fleury

Author I draw inspiration from: At one level I would say that any author who can consistently write and publish novels is a source of inspiration for me. Being an author takes hard work, a total belief in yourself, or at least a total belief at the time that you are writing the book, and an understanding of the business – let’s face it every author should know a little bit about the business they are in. Specific authors though would include Elmore Leonard, Jess Walter, and George Orwell for their abilities to write books that have snappy, real dialogue, produce powerful emotional character-driven stories, and demonstrate ideas that make you say, ‘wow that’s interesting.’

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Favorite place to read a book: I’m like a cat in that I constantly change where I like to read a book. At one point in my life I would choose the bath to read – until I dropped a paperback in the water. My bed is a good place to curl up with a book. But currently my favorite place is  my apartment balcony, where I can read and, from time to time, look out at the crazy world all around us.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Given what we are going through with Covid-19, I don’t think there’s anyone I would currently like to be stuck in an elevator with. But, if they were prepared to keep their social distance I would probably opt for Algernon Moncrieff, from Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest.” I’m sure in the time we would be together he would have lots of witty and funny things to say.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: That would be when I was eleven years old, after reading ‘Planet of the Apes’, I thought: “Hey wouldn’t it be cool to spend my life writing stories like this?”

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:  Paperback if I’m at home, and eBook when I’m travelling.

The last book I read: I’ve just finished ‘Turn of the Keys’ by Ruth Ware

Pen & paper or computer:  Computer. My writing’s so bad that I would never be able to read what I’d written one day on.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Hogan Duran, the main character from my dystopian sci-fi novel Kill Code. Hogan and I have a lot in common though he can sometimes be a bit too macho for his own good.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: So many things -  a film and tv director, a teacher, a travel writer, a beach bum.

Favorite decade in fashion history: That has to be the seventies. This decade is to fashion what Thunderbird is to wine – bad, bad, bad.

Place I’d most like to travel: I’d really like to go to Vietnam and had booked a ticket, and an Airbnb until Mr. Coronavirus came along.

My signature drink: A glass of good red or white wine – I’m not fussy.

Favorite artist: I assume artist as in painter. The Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch who was either constantly on something, certifiably mad, or just plain bemused.

Number one on my bucket list: Being able to get out of my apartment – my new number one since Coronavirus arrived.

Anything else you'd like to add: If you’ve taken your time to read this, then it’s likely you’d love my most recent book Kill Code: A Dystopian Science Fiction Novel. Its hero is a guy called 

Hogan Duran - a good man once, a good cop, forced to resign in disgrace when he couldn't save his partner from a bullet. But after four years of living in poverty, Hogan finally gets the chance to get back on his feet. All he needs to do is pass one deadly entrance exam, and he'll be rewarded with wealth and opportunity beyond his wildest dreams. But in a world gone wrong, can one good man actually make a difference? Or will he die trying?

It’s available as a paperback or eBook on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kill-Code-Dystopian-Science-Fiction-ebook/dp/B07JZX5VV2

Find more from the author:

  • www.clivefleurywriter.com

  • Twitter @cliveFleury

  • Instagram @ clivefleuryhere

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Kill Code

Kill Code