Chioma Nnani
Chioma Nnani
Author of BECAUSE HOME IS...
BECAUSE HOME IS... is a short story collection about finding home, coming home, and being home from the perspectives of the main characters👇
The grafter who's only ever wanted to hear "Welcome home"; the man who suffers situational depression yet has to convince the boss chick he yearns for that he's husband material; the one from a dysfunctional family who can't find home; and the immigrant who finds more than she bargained for, when she takes a leap of faith in Abuja.
Author Interview - Chioma Nnani
Author I draw inspiration from: Barbara Taylor Bradford
Author Interview - Chioma Nnani | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: I've no favourite place. If I have a book and I want to read it, I will - on the bus, in the loo, under a desk while taking a class I don't like, at an event I don't really want to be at, I'll read anywhere! ☹️
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Emma Harte from "A Woman of Substance" by Barbara Taylor Bradford.
Author Interview - Chioma Nnani | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It wasn't so much knowing "I'd like to be an author" as it was "I'm actually good enough and this is actually possible for me". And after what felt like a thousand rejections, the moment came when someone I trusted, fled the United States with six pieces of my writing (including the original manuscript for my first novel) to "make a name and money" for herself in Nigeria! My now husband stopped her, and 18 months after, my first novel (FOREVER THERE FOR YOU) was released.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: ebook
The last book I read: SURVIVAL by John Achile Yusuf
Author Interview - Chioma Nnani | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Actually, neither. Phone. I write by hand much slower than I type, but I can't take a computer everywhere.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Paula Fairley from "Hold The Dream" by Barbara Taylor Bradford
Author Interview - Chioma Nnani | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: That's actually difficult to say. I really don't know.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Sadly, none. When I like the hair, the skirt lengths from that era aren't great, and when I like the shoes, the shoulder pads of that period make me go, "What the actual h*ll...?"
Place I’d most like to travel: Malta?
My signature drink: Water. I know, very boring (laughing).
Favorite artist: I don't have one. I go through phases where I will listen to an artiste or just one of their songs (so not even an album or their entire repertoire) over and over again, then go off.
Number one on my bucket list: I don't think I can say that in public (laughs)
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Author Bio: Chioma Nnani writes multicultural women's fiction for women aged 18+ who want to be strong, independent and fulfilled.