Casey Dembowski
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
Author of When We're Thirty
“In college, Will and Hannah made a pact that if they were both single when they turned thirty they would get married. When Will initiates the marriage pact, Hannah almost can't believe it's real. But with both their futures at stake, they take a leap of faith. Now all they have to do is convince everyone they're madly in love... without losing their hearts in the process.”
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
Author I draw inspiration from: Sarah Dessen. I know she's in a different genre than I write, but she's really the author who shaped me as a writer. I remember reading her books as a teenager and how much they affected me, how I saw myself in those characters. I've always wanted to write a book that changed someone's life the way her books changed mine.
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
Favorite place to read a book: Curled up on the couch
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Jace Wayland - The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare. Jace is witty and wry and I think he'd make great conversation in an elevator or at least be savvy enough to get us out quickly.
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I don't know if there was particularly a moment. From age 12 on, I just wrote all the time. I didn't leave my house without a notebook or binder for six years. But I guess, it would be the moment I decided to go for an MFA. I'd been fighting studying write in any real way because it wasn't a stable career path and I wanted a degree that I knew would get me a job. And then in my junior year of college, I decided to go for it. I was like nope, I'm getting an MFA. I'm spending these two years doing what I love, and I'll figure the rest out later. Fortunately, the combination of my two degrees made the next part a little easier.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback
The last book I read: People We Meet on Vacation - Emily Henry
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
Pen & paper or computer: Laptop
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Rose Hathaway - Vampire Academy Richelle Mead. She's so fun and snarky and sassy and loyal.
Author Interview - Casey Dembowski
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A lawyer. There were all these points in my life where I was going to go into law. In high school while picking a major for college, but then I picked journalism. In college when looking into graduate studies, I picked an MFA. And after my MFA, I was studying for my LSATs, but then I got a full-time job in my field. I think if I hadn't chosen writing, I definitely would've gone to law school at some point.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I'm not very fashion savvy -- I was wearing bootcut jeans when everyone was obsessed with skinny jeans. But the aughts were a fun and weird time for fashion that I grew up in, so maybe that?
Place I’d most like to travel: London -- I've sadly never been out of the country, so the first place I plan to go when I do travel is London.
My signature drink: Iced tea or coffee -- I couldn't live without either of these.
Favorite artist: Musical? Andrew McMahon in any iteration, but especially Jacks' Mannequin.
Number one on my bucket list: Probably go to London. Travel is the one thing I never really had the means or time to do.
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Author Bio: Casey Dembowski loves to write stories that focus on the intricacies of relationships–whether they be romantic, familial, or friendship. Her novels focus on the inner workings of women and how everything in their lives leads them to exactly where they are, whether they like it or not. Casey lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter, and their two cats. She has an MFA in Fiction from Adelphi University, and currently works in corporate marketing communications. In her (limited) spare time, she enjoys reading, baking, and watching her favorite television shows on repeat.