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Caroline Beecham

Caroline Beecham

Author Interview - Caroline Beecham

Author of When We Meet Again

When We Meet Again is inspired by real events and tells the story of Alice Cotton, a young woman who shows extraordinary resilience as she manages to cleverly combine her search for her missing child with the challenge of creating much needed books during wartime.

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Author I draw inspiration from: The honest answer is that I draw inspiration from whichever author I am reading at the time. I think this is the reason that a lot of writing advice is to read as much as possible because there's always so much to enjoy and learn from other writers. Its probably also to do with the stage I'm at in a project how much a book resonates with me. For example, I recently read Paula McLain's 'The Paris Wife' and I found it really moving and inspiring; the portrait of a disintegrating marriage, the dynamics of the relationships and the costs of ambition and success, as well as those wonderful settings and glittering dialogue.

Favorite place to read a book: On Cable Beach in Broome, Western Australia. Its remote, beautiful and the ocean and sunsets are spectacular. Its difficult not to be distracted by the scenery but its so relaxing that its the perfect place to read and unwind.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Oh dear, this is an interesting one as there's no one I'd like to be stuck in an elevator with as I'm SO claustrophobic! It should probably be James Bond as he could get me out pretty quickly before I freaked out. Second choice would be Sherlock Holmes as I think he'd be able to figure out a way to get me out and it would be really interesting and distracting talking to him while he did.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I started a family and had to stop working in film & TV production because I realised that I wanted to carry on sharing stories. I went back to university when my son was a baby and did a masters in creative writing to learn the craft but I always thought I'd write non-fiction and features, so its been a great surprise that I've found a new way of storytelling and become an author, and that I love it so much.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback for bed, bath and beach, and audiobooks for walking and cooking. I'm not an ebook person but with the bookshelves running out of space maybe sometime soon! I was out walking and listening to 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo' recently and was really enjoying it but thought the story was moving quite fast, then I realised I had it on double speed!

The last book I read: The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. I really enjoyed going on the journey with the three codebreakers Mab, Osla and Beth, and getting drawn into the mysteries of Bletchley Park. The tone is quite different from her other books, which is a really positive thing; as a reader I like to be surprised and don't like reading similar books from the same author so I love that her three World War II novels are so unique, compelling and enjoyable to read.

Pen & paper or computer: Computer for writing; its so much better for the editing, but pen and paper for writer's block. There's something about the motion of writing that unlocks something in the brain and ideas seem to loosen when there's a pen between your fingers. Perhaps its because writing by hand is supposed to increase creativity and deep thinking...

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Since I spent years dressing my kids as many of these for book week, there should be lots that spring to mind but its a tough one; it would be Holly Golightly from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' for fun, parties and wearing fabulous clothes, but Sherlock Holmes again as there would always be an adventure and I like characters who are complex as well as interesting.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I would like to be a video journalist. It incorporates, research, writing, meeting people, travel and sharing important stories so pretty much everything I enjoy! There was a BBC war correspondent, Kate Adie, who I watched while I was growing up and I always wanted her job. My second novel, 'Eleanor's Secret', is about a female war artist during the Second World War who has to fight for the right to go and work overseas with her male counterparts. Its inspired by real events too, and I think that there may be some parallels with Eleanor and me!

Favorite decade in fashion history: It would have to be the 1920s. What female hasn't imagined themselves in one of those stunning flapper dresses, headpiece and jewels from The Great Gatsby and the Jazz Age? And I'd be just as happy roaring in Europe or America!

Place I’d most like to travel: Number one is to get back to England to see family and friends but apart from that I'd love to travel around South America and the Galapagos and snorkel with some of the amazing sea creatures. We went diving with whale sharks in Western Australia in 2019 and it was such an incredible and surreal experience and its given me a real taste for underwater adventure.

My signature drink: Champagne. Is there any other choice...

Favorite artist: Belinda Fox, an Australian artist with a background in printmaking, she has a unique way of incorporating print-making and watercolour into works that are a delicate balance of lace-like patterns and earthy tones all focused around nature and transformation. Painting,m print, ceramics; anything by her is beautiful.

Number one on my bucket list: To get back to England to see my family. Its number two, three, four and five on the list too!

Anything else you'd like to add: I just want to thank you to Ashley for including me in the Hasty author interviews. Its been difficult for authors with books published over the last eighteen months during COVID and lockdown, and having the support of the writing community and book reviewers and bloggers makes a huge difference in getting books noticed. I'm really excited about my US debut and sharing this story with US readers; When We Meet Again is a historical mystery inspired by real events and its about the power of books, so if you love books and reading, hopefully you'll enjoy mine!

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.instagram.com/carolinebeecham/

  • www.facebook.com/Caroline.J.Beecham/

  • https://twitter.com/CarolineBeecham

  • https://www.carolinebeecham.com

Author Bio: Caroline is a novelist, writer and producer. She is the author of three books: the bestselling novel Maggie's Kitchen (2016), Eleanor's Secret (2018), and Finding Eadie (2020). Her debut novel was shortlisted for Booktopia's Best Historical Fiction in 2016 and nominated for Book of the Year, and Caroline was named Best New Author by AusRom Today. She has worked in documentary, film and drama, and discovered that she loves to write fiction and to share lesser known histories: in particular, those of pioneering women. Caroline studied the craft of novel writing at the Faber Academy in Sydney, with Curtis Brown Creative in London, and has a MA in Film & Television and a MA in Creative Writing. She lives in Sydney with her husband and two teenage sons, is working on a fourth novel and adapting Maggie's Kitchen as a drama series.

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