C. D'Angelo
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo
Author of The Visitor
A fiercely independent woman owns a New Age store in New Orleans that’s threatened to be destroyed by a developer—her nemesis high school ex-boyfriend. She must trust and accept help from others, including an Italian mystical new customer and her fellow renters, or risk losing her life’s work.
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo
Author I draw inspiration from: Camille Pagán. She is an outstanding writer whose novels speak to me as a woman who also honors culture through writing. All of her books are so relatable and have a touch of humor, which I think is a perfect combination. That's how I like to write as well and hope to be as talented as her some day. She also has a successful career in the field yet remains down to earth and genuine. I've had the honor of chatting with her on social media and email and am astounded that someone of her level makes time to respond to comments and messages. She truly cares for people's success and well-being. As a beginning author, she gives me hope and inspiration every time we connect or when I see her posts.
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: I made an art room in my house where I love to curl up on my big fluffy chair and read. The best times are when I lay under my blanket I crocheted and enjoy a good book for hours. I don't like music playing or having any distraction, but do sometimes enjoy a glass of wine while near my three large windows that brighten my space. It's the perfect combination!
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I adore Becky Brandon (Bloomwood) in Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series. She's flawed and lovable as well as hilarious without meaning to be that way. That's why I'm drawn to her. If we were stuck in an elevator, she would for sure have oodles to say and keep me entertained for hours. I know it! I could hear all of her stories from living in favorite cities of mine, including London, New York, and LA. She also must have little known stories about celebrities since she's experienced that life and more. I may not want to ever come out of the elevator.
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: The writing bug captured me when I was around halfway through my debut novel, The Difference. I took many years to complete it, but as it got closer to being a reality, I was unstoppable. Until then, I was just enjoying a new hobby. Once done writing my novel, I was even more enthralled by the author life when I established social media accounts and saw all the greatness in the world of writing. I made sure not to get the accounts or look into how to get my novel published until done with my first draft because I knew I would be intimidated. By the way, this all happened later in life for me, in my 30s, so aspiring authors reading this interview, know you can learn new skills and take on new opportunities anytime. Now I'm in my 40s and loving every second of this new career.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Oh, what a hard choice. There are reasons I buy each format, so let me explain.
Hardback- These are special books from favorite authors that I will want to keep forever. Most of the books I own that are in hardcover format are memoirs from stars that I love. (You can see why I love Becky Brandon now, right? Haha)
Paperback- I buy paperbacks for books I will want on my bookshelf as well, but these are fiction usually. Being an author and making so many great friends in the community, I typically buy their books in this format so I can post about them and help support them.
eBook- I've grown to love my kindle because I bought a waterproof one and can read in the pool! I'm a Florida girl, what can I say? Not only that, I also love how light and small it is when traveling. I don't need to worry about books getting damaged or not bringing enough on a trip.
Audiobook- I drive far for my day job so this format is perfect in that instance. I usually enjoy an audio version of a book after I need a change from listening to music, so this doesn't occur that much. It's my least preferred format, but it has its place in my life.
The last book I read: Actually, the last book I read wasn't in my genre because I was helping a wonderful friend by being an ARC reader. Ashley R. King released the second book in her Ace of Hearts series called The Wilde Card, which is a romance novel. I never read romance books before making friends with some great people in the writing community, but am glad that I ventured into it. The stories make this shy person blush, but are also wonderful escapes from reality. I also love to help out friends in any way I can. We are stronger together as authors so let's keep helping each other reach our dreams.
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Always computer. I often have thought about how the great authors of the past needed to write with pen and paper, or maybe use typewriters. How in the world could they edit at the level we need in this field? I mean, I probably edited The Visitor already 7, 8, 9 times—I've lost count. My God, I can't imagine. So, I'll always use the computer, thank you!
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Eloise "Weezie" Foley from Mary Kay Andrews' Savannah Blues. This book hooked me on the author and I immediately connected to Weezie. She was humorous, sassy, quirky, and smart. Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone like that? I know she would keep our friendship interesting with her determined nature and southern charm.
Author Interview - C. D'Angelo | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Psychotherapist. I've been one for over 20 years and I still love it. Seeing a person grow and change for the better through therapy is such a highlight and an honor for me. I'm a helper by nature and wanted to be a counselor from childhood, so being able to do it all this time has been wonderful. Luckily, my experience in human interaction adds depth to my characters that I don't think I could have learned anywhere but in my job history. That being said, I am hoping to transition to being a full time author in the next few years.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I'm a child of the 80s and 90s, so I'm pulled to those decades. I especially love looking back on the wild styles of the 80s, from the big, permed hair (oh yes, I did it), to the baggy and neon colored clothes, and the studded accessories. T-shirt clip, anyone? Banana clip? Jelly shoes? Yes, please! Well, just for Halloween.
Place I’d most like to travel: I've been to Italy twice, but next time need to go to the Amalfi coast. There are so many places in Italy I want to visit, but this has to be next because of all the beautiful photos I've found online. My niche is being an Italian American author, so on my social media I share a lot of Italian oriented places, food, traditions, and more. The Amalfi coast looks like a dream location. How can that kind of beauty exist? The cliffs along the beautiful ocean, the structures on hills, the lemon trees galore...oh don't get me started. I'm hoping to go in the next few years. Maybe I can also journey over to where my family is from, a few hours away. I have to go asap.
My signature drink: I love red wine. Since being able to go to Napa, California a few times, I've gotten to know wine a little more, and maybe a little too much because I'm getting pickier as I get older! But, I love cabernet the most, with merlot and pinot noir tying for second place. Wine is such a part of my Italian culture that I decided my third book will be about the topic. I've plotted it out and am ready to begin writing as soon as I publish The Visitor. It will be about an identity crisis, music, wine, and Italy. I can't wait to write it.
Favorite artist: I've varied over the years, but have always been a huge art fan. My favorite artist has shifted recently from Monet to Van Gogh. The colors he used in his unique painting techniques keep me staring at his art repeatedly, no matter how many times I see the same piece of art. When I finally saw Starry Night in person, my heart stopped, I swear. Then, I visited an exhibit in London where his drawings, paintings, and letters related to his time in England were shown. I was in pure amazement, as I had never seen his drawings. Finally, a few years ago, I went to an immersive event where viewers were surrounded by his art and quotes, almost feeling as though inside the works of art. I guess all of these experiences reminded me why he's always been a favorite but moved him into first place in my heart.
Number one on my bucket list: Before I even wrote The Difference I envisioned it as a movie. Being able to see it in that format someday would be a life dream. I think it has an Eat, Pray, Love feel so I know there's an audience out there who would love it and some who need it for inspiration in their life. Who wouldn't want to go along with Rachel, the main character, as she discovers her roots and herself? Who doesn't love Italy? I know I'm biased on that last one, but I know in my heart that my story would make a relatable, healing, and motivating movie for people who need hope. I'm going to work to make it happen!
Anything else you'd like to add: I write a monthly blog of my Behind the Scenes author life. I include relatable topics with my psychotherapist perspective, so always offer tips, strategies, or insights. This isn't just for writers to gain assistance or support...it's for anyone. Lately, I am also mixing it up by interviewing authors from all genres, where they share their own inspiring advice. So, read and follow the blog for your monthly breath of fresh air.
Find more from the author:
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Author Bio: C. D’Angelo is 2nd generation Italian American, living in Winter Garden, Florida with her husband. She has been a psychotherapist for over twenty years and began writing in 2013 to add to her many hobbies (playing ukulele, drawing, crocheting, cross stitching, sewing, and any other craft available to try!). Soon writing became more than a hobby and now her passions and life experiences have made their way into her writing Italian American stories in women's fiction. THE DIFFERENCE is her debut novel and THE VISITOR is coming on 6-1-22. Visit her website for upcoming books, her Behind the Scenes blog, social media links, Pitch Party Prosperity services, and to join her newsletter for giveaways and more! www.CDAngeloAuthor.com