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Brandy Ferner

Brandy Ferner

Author Interview - Brandy Ferner

Author of Adult Conversation

Author I draw inspiration from: Anne Lamott and David Sedaris

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Favorite place to read a book: In bed, always - tucked under the covers and with hot tea nearby

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Ramona Quimby’s mom. I’d like to give Mrs. Quimby a pep talk since she had a daughter like Ramona (and a neighbor like Willa Jean), and she never really got to say her piece. Or scream out loud. I’d let her do that in the elevator.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When my idea for a novel wouldn’t let me sleep for weeks. “Well, I guess the only way to sleep again is to write out all of these ideas into a book instead of letting them keep me up at night!"

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle

Pen & paper or computer: Computer - a pen in my hand doesn’t move as fast as my thoughts do.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jo March

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: A middle school teacher. Strangely, I love that age and working with the often misunderstood.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 80s. It seems like the most experimental and expressive, especially for kids and teens. Also, all the hot pink.

Place I’d most like to travel: Paris

My signature drink: Muddled mint leaves, Sprite, lime juice, and sparkling water

Favorite artist: Erykah Badu

Number one on my bucket list: Real talk: having my very own office with a built-in window seat in the sun, and a lock on the door.

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Author Bio: Brandy Ferner is a mother, wife, author of Adult Conversation: A Novel, the creator of the Adult Conversation podcast, social media pages, and blog. Her writing has been featured in Good Morning America, and at The New York TimesHuffPostRomper, and more. In addition to writing and fulfilling her kids’ endless snack requests, she spent the past decade working as a doula, childbirth educator, and birth trauma mentor, ushering clients through the intense transition into motherhood. The insight gained from watching moms crack wide open — literally and figuratively — and her own experience as an independent woman who suddenly traded autonomy for snuggles, led her to say out loud the things that modern mothers are thinking. Sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s comedic, but it’s always honest. She currently lives in Southern California, and her love language is sleep.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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