Author Interview with Bethany Crandell


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Bethany Crandell

Bethany Crandell

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell


SEE JANE SNAP is the story of a woman who thinks she’s living a comfortable, stable life, and the devastation she feels when she learns it doesn’t really exist. After eighteen years of marriage, Jane’s husband confesses that he’s gay and has been cheating the whole time; facts that if revealed could have a devastating impact on his career, and in turn the secure life she’s come to depend on.

Desperate to hang onto that life, Jane does her best to keep up with appearances, biting her tongue behind a slapped-on smile, but inside she’s slowly starting to crack; the lies she presents to the world proving to be too shameful to carry…the sacrifice of her own happiness too heavy to ignore.

This a story about betrayal and forgiveness; sticky relationships and unlikely friendships. It’s about a mother’s desperation, a wife’s heartache, and most importantly a woman’s journey to finding happiness and self-worth.

Jane’s story will stand out among similar books because of her unapologetic honesty. Life isn’t pretty, and Jane’s finally ready to admit that.

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Author I draw inspiration from: ALL OF THEM! I am a genre-jumping, promiscuous reader and I tend to fall in love with whoever I'm reading at the moment.

Favorite place to read a book: Anywhere my family isn't. I love them--truly, I do!--but they have an uncanny way of interrupting me, without even trying.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Assuming the lights are out and there's no video camera, pretty much any of the boys from JR Ward's BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD series.

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When my mentor told me that only 15% of people who set out writing a book actually finish it. I'm a competitive person by nature, so this felt like a challenge to me.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback. I love the feel of a book in my hands, but I'm not responsible enough to take care of a hardback.

The last book I read: DIAL A FOR AUNTIES by Jesse Q. Sutanto

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | The Last Book I Read

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: Both...and then some. I write on a computer, then review what I wrote as a flat document (PDF) on an iPad while making editorial notes with a pen and paper. (Purple pen. Spiral notebook) It sounds a bit cumbersome but it's actually very efficient for the way I work.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Faith Holland of THE BEST MAN, Kristan Higgins. This girl reminds me of my sisters, or one of my high school friends I still keep in touch with. She's sharp-witted, funny, delightfully unapologetic, insecure in the best, most-relatable ways, and eats and drinks without concern for judgment.

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

Author Interview - Bethany Crandell | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Greeting card writer. Not like a Hallmark Gold Crown card type of writer, but like the crass, slightly-offensive ones you can get at the car wash.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 90's. I graduated high school in 1993, so Doc Martens, flannels, and worn-out Vans are my safe space. You can keep the mom jeans though...

Place I’d most like to travel: Germany, preferably during Oktoberfest.

My signature drink: I've decided that you inadvertently left out the 's' when posing this question. You actually meant signature DRINKS, right? So my answers are: A Cadillac margarita on the rocks, no salt, and also a crisp wheat or white beer. (Let's keep the hops down to a respectful minimum, please!)

Favorite artist: Norman Rockwell. I love the nostalgia I feel whenever I look at one of his paintings.

Number one on my bucket list: Learn how to play the guitar

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: bethany_crandell

  • Twitter: @bethanycrandell

  • Facebook: AuthorBethanyCrandell

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See Jane Snap

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