Audrey Wick
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
Author I draw inspiration from: So many! But Sandra Cisneros helped me discover voice as a writer, and she continues to inspire me as an author.
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
Favorite place to read a book: In an oversized chair by a bay window in my home, with a blooming orchid plant on the windowsill.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: One of Haruki Murakami’s cats, for company.
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Reading Texas authors John R. Erickson (middle grade) and Larry McMurtry (adult), I wanted to float somewhere in between them, but with a female’s perspective. My first attempts at fiction writing were in an effort to do that.
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperbacks are my preferred method of reading for their portability and pretty covers.
The last book I read: Montauk, which is the debut novel of Nicola Harrison. It has a strong sense of place, which I adore in fiction.
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
Pen & paper or computer: All! And sometimes all at once . . . I also have a manual typewriter.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: From my teenage years, I imagined I would fit in well with Ann M. Martin’s The Baby-Sitters Club. I’d like to think we’d still be friends decades later.
Author Interview - Audrey Wick
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: professor, which is the other hat I wear.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Kate Chopin made daring fashion choices in the 1890s by wearing trousers and leggings when it wasn’t common for women, so seeing how that influenced others at the turn of the 20th century is fascinating to me.
Place I’d most like to travel: Does back in time count? I enjoy international travel, but I would love to see some of the places I’ve been—such as Egypt, Peru, Switzerland, Cambodia—during certain eras.
My signature drink: Coffee: warm but not hot, sweet but not saccharine
Favorite artist: The French painter Henri Matisse
Number one on my bucket list: Australia! I’ll get there someday.
Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you for this fun interview!
Find more from Audrey Wick:
Twitter: @WickWrites
Instagram: @WickWrites