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Alison Rose Greenberg

Alison Rose Greenberg

Author Interview - Alison Rose Greenberg

Author of Maybe Once, Maybe Twice

Maybe Once, Maybe Twice is an edgy romantic drama about a singer-songwriter, Maggie Vine, who at two different points in her life, asks two separate men to show up and marry her when she turns 35. And they both show up.

At 35, Maggie is pursuing her dreams of being a singer and being a mother—though neither is successfully panning out. So when Garrett Scholl—stifled hedge fund manager by day but electrifying aspiring rock singer by night—comes to her 35th birthday party with the intention to kiss Maggie senseless, it feels like one piece might click into place. Except he’s engaged to someone else, and Maggie knows she won’t fit into the cookie-cutter life he’s building for himself.

Enter Asher Reyes. Her first boyfriend from summer camp, turned into heartthrob actor, he’s lived a successful yet private life ever since he got famous. When a career-changing opportunity is presented to Maggie after her reconnection with Asher, it feels like everything—music, love, family—will fall into place. But her past won’t let her move on without a fight.

Filled with the romance and angst that defines the years you come to know yourself, and told over the span of two decades, Maybe Once, Maybe Twice is a novel of second chances and finding your own way.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Judy Blume is my hero. Summer Sisters.

Author Interview - Alison Rose Greenberg | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

My favorite place to read a book would be poolside with a drink in hand.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen). If you're asking me to imagine being stuck in an elevator with Mr. Darcy, I'm afraid my answer is going to be nowhere close to PG ;).

Author Interview - Alison Rose Greenberg | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I was a screenwriter before becoming an author, so the moment I knew I wanted to become a writer was during my first screenwriting class in college at The University of Southern California. I knew I wanted to become an author while writing prose in 2019, with a short story called “Bad Luck Bridesmaid.” I couldn’t stop writing, and before I knew it, I had expanded the short story into my debut novel (Bad Luck Bridesmaid).

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

Hardback: A handbook looks damn good on a bookshelf. The downside is it’s bulky and heavy to travel with.
Paperback: Paperback is perfect, to me.
ebook: I like that an ebook is great for long trips. But, I miss the physical aspect of reading; taking notes in the margins, displaying the book like a trophy, and I even miss the smell of book.
Audiobook: I love that a great narrator or cast can make a book come to life in such a special way. Similar to my feelings about ebooks, I miss the physical aspects of holding a book.

The last book I read:

So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson. Somehow, I missed this book in 2015, but I'm glad I read it now. It is a fascinating and terrifying look at cancel culture.

Author Interview - Alison Rose Greenberg | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I write on my laptop. In the morning after dropping my kids at school, I often take a couple hours to look over and edit what I wrote the day before, or do some research. The good writing starts around 10AM, and I’m usually in a flow for about 4 hours before breaking.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

I, like most people who have read Little Women (Louisa May Alcott), would like to assume I’d be best friends with Jo March. My mom read me Little Women when I was a child, and I was charmed by Jo’s independence, strong will, and creative spirit.

Author Interview - Alison Rose Greenberg | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

My second love, behind writing, is photography. There's something so special about capturing a moment and telling an entire story within a single image.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

The 90s -- because there were no rules.

Place I’d most like to travel:

I want to go to Iceland and see the Northern Lights.

My signature drink:

Extra-dirty gin martini with olives

Favorite artist:

Taylor Swift

Number one on my bucket list:

I'm really looking forward to turning 40 in November!

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: alison.greenberg

  • X: alisongreenberg

  • http://www.alisonrosegreenberg.com

About Alison Rose Greenberg:

Alison Rose Greenberg is a screenwriter and the author of Bad Luck Bridesmaid, and Maybe Once, Maybe Twice. She lives in Atlanta but is quick to say she was born in New York City, as any nice Jewish girl would be. While attending the University of Southern California, Alison took her first screenwriting class and fell head over heels. A journey from writing led to marketing jobs, before coming full-circle back to her first love.

Alison speaks fluent rom-com, lives for 90’s WB dramas, cries to Taylor Swift, and is a proud single mom to her two incredible kids, two cats, and one poorly-trained dog.

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