A. J. Banner


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A. J. Banner

A. J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author I draw inspiration from: I draw inspiration from many authors and from different authors at different times. Recently, I was inspired by ALL THE NAMES THEY USED FOR GOD by Anjali Sachdeva. Lauren Groff’s short story collection, FLORIDAis pushing me to pay attention to every sentence. I’m also re-reading THE HANDMAID’S TALE by Margaret Atwood.

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

By Lauren Groff
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Favorite place to read a book: In bed, propped against pillows, using my trusty reading light.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I would probably be focused on getting out of the elevator. However, if I could be stuck in an elevator with a fictional character, again, I can’t pick just one. Perhaps Charlotte, the spider from CHARLOTTE’S WEB, or Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia, or maybe Eddie, a shiny green bug with a personality in THE TINY HERO OF FERNY CREEK LIBRARY.

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: There was no exact moment, but many moments over a lifetime, maybe starting with the first time I picked up a crayon, or when I received my first toy typewriter at the age of eleven, or earlier, when I kept a journal in India at the age of eight and wrote about a lost dog on the beach. I can’t say for sure.

Hardback, paperback, eBook or audiobook: All of the above. I’m listening to DEEP WORK by Cal Newport – absolutely life-changing – as an audiobook. I’m reading THE EMOTIONAL CRAFT OF FICTION – also amazing! – by Donald Maass on my Kindle app on my iPhone, and I’m reading the riveting memoir, INTO THE PLANET, by cave diver Jill Heinerth in hardcover. LAYOVER, a thriller by David Bell, is on its way to me in paperback. I love everything David has ever written.

The last book I read: ALL THE NAMES THEY USED FOR GOD, the debut short story collection by Anjali Sachdeva, beyond stunning.

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Pen & paper or computer: Oh, I love this question!! I keep a handwritten journal in a lined notebook. I use a Dell XPS 13 laptop computer for manuscript revision, and I own two typewriters for typing scenes for first drafts: a 1956 Hermes Rocket and a 1968 Olivetti lettera 32. I absolutely love typewriters and want to buy another one!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Pretty much any character who loves animals and values the natural world. Fern Arable in CHARLOTTE’S WEB comes to mind.

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: depressed, inconsolable individual wandering aimlessly. Or maybe an amateur photographer.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Since I’m a writer, I’m not much into fashion. I spend most of my time in comfortable, baggy cotton clothing typing in solitude!

Place I’d most like to travel: At this moment, if I could hop on a plane anywhere in the world, I would visit Scotland. And then a bunch of other places.

My signature drink: Peet’s coffee in the morning.

Favorite artist: Too many to name.

Find more from A.J. Banner here:



Author Interview - A.J. Banner

Author Interview - A.J. Banner

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