Abbie Greaves


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Abbie Greaves

Abbie Greaves

Author Interview - Abbie Greaves

“A poignant and thrilling love story about one woman's decade-long search to reconnect with the love of her life who disappeared without a trace--a stirring and heartfelt page-turner from the critically acclaimed author of The Silent Treatment.”

Author I draw inspiration from: Jojo Moyes, Liane Moriarty, Curtis Sittenfeld, Meg Wolitzer, Anne Tyler, Celeste Ng, Taylor Jenkins Reid, Tayari Jones

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Favorite place to read a book: In bed. I try to stick to reading my kindle at night, so that I don’t lose my page if I drift off! 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Willy Wonka – in the hope he has snacks for the wait.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was a real bookworm as a child (I had almost no other hobbies) so it was probably written in the stars! But it wasn’t until after I graduated from university and began working as an assistant in a literary agency that I realised that being an author was an actual, real-life career and one that I could aspire to, if I could make that difficult first step of writing my novel. 

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardbacks for my shelves. Paperbacks for happy holding. Ebook for ease and making sure I’m never without multiple reading options. Audiobooks for when I have a backlog of chores!

 The last book I read: One of Us is Lying my Karen M McManus. It’s a brilliant YA thriller about five high-school kids who go into detention and only four of whom leave. I loved the four different perspectives and the way that the narrative plays with the stereotypes in school movies – the geek, the jock, the princess and the bad-boy. The writing is absolutely brilliant too.

Pen & paper or computer: Pen & paper for notes and planning, then computer for writing and editing. I revise so much as I write (I try to make it until the end of a chapter before I start nit-picking my prose) so I can’t imagine trying to do it long-hand!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jo March from Little Woman – we’d see eye-to-eye on a lot. 

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Therapist. As a writer, one of my favourite things is digging deep into the psychology of my characters and figuring out what motivates them. Even the little details matter – what sort of socks would they choose in a department store? How would they eat a kiwi? That extends to my own life too – I’m so fascinated by what makes the people I meet tick and I always want to hear their story. So, therapy seems like it might be a good fit, for my interests at least.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1950s – I love the dresses in particular, with the nipped-in waists and full skirts. It also probably doesn’t help that I have watched Grease so many times and lusted over the costumes in the film.

Place I’d most like to travel: Argentina. I’d love to do some hiking in Patagonia, see the wildlife, then spend a few days in Buenos Aires soaking up the culture. Maybe finish off in Mendoza so I can do a little Malbec tasting. The dream holiday!

My signature drink: Whiskey sour – with a nifty orange twist too, if I’m feeling fancy. 

Favorite artist: Frida Kahlo

Number one on my bucket list: To adopt a dog. I’m hoping it might be on the horizon soon…

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