A.B. Higgins
Author Interview - A.B. Higgins
Author of The Impact of Implants
Have you ever looked in front of a mirror and wished to change a couple of things about your body?
I always thought I knew everything about my breasts. I frequently examined mine in the bathroom mirror before a shower. I observed everything, from their shape to the blemishes I was born with, but especially their size.
There was always a lingering feeling in my head about how I would look with bigger breasts. When I was young, my idea of beauty was curvaceous. I pictured a beautiful woman with large, plump, shapely breasts, an hourglass figure, and a big round butt. I wanted to be her! However, once I hit puberty, my body let me down.
As a woman who decided to get implants, I wish to pass on what I've learned during my journey. Here's to all the girls who felt the same way I did before my surgery. Perhaps my book will also shed light on the meaning behind my decision to people who are unsure about breast augmentation surgery. The body of your dreams is within your reach!
Author Interview - A.B. Higgins
Author I draw inspiration from: Emma Woolf and Eve Schaub. They've both written fantastic memoirs that helped me learn more about the world. I hope that my memoir can be an eye-opener for someone else as well.
Author Interview - A.B. Higgins | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: Everywhere! Couch, bed, airplane, beach...you name it! Any time I start a good book, there's no place I won't read.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Beryl Markham from Circling the Sun by Paula McLain. I love stories about adventurous women that achieved incredible feats. To hear about the challenges she overcame would make being stuck in an elevator well worth it.
Author Interview - A.B. Higgins | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: About 5 months about my surgery when I realized how much I didn't know about an incredibly popular procedure. I've always loved books and memoirs in particular, so I thought I could share my story as well. The goal was to be honest yet light-hearted.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Ebook. My kindle is one of my best purchases hands down.
The last book I read: Maid by Stephanie Land. I started watching the show on Netflix but books are always better.
Author Interview - A.B. Higgins | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Pen and paper. Or, more accurately, pencil and paper. I love writing everything down, from lists to vacation plans to notes about something I'm learning. Filling up a blank piece of paper with information makes me feel more accomplished.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: This answer constantly changes. I admire so many book characters for their strengths and their flaws. I wish I could travel through time and space and become friends with almost all of them. That's why I love books so much, they give us the opportunity to live multiple lives and have so many experiences.
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: This memoir was written as a side project to share my experience. I currently have a day job that I love. If I didn't have to work, I would love to bounce around doing projects that help make the world a better place.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Late 60s/early 70s. I love the long hair, mini skirts, and flown tops. I feel like that era was chic yet comfortable.
Place I’d most like to travel: Costa Rica is next on my list. I've heard great things about it and I can never say no to tropical weather.
My signature drink: Paloma - I like sweet but not too sweet.
Favorite artist: George Ezra - I love his voice and I think he's a great performer as well.
Number one on my bucket list: Get scuba certified. I love snorkeling and would love to explore marine life even more.
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Author Bio: Because of my job, I have to write under a pen name, so I don't think an author bio would be fair.