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What I'm Thankful For in 2022

What I'm Thankful For in 2022

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

For the past two years I’ve asked authors to write about what they’re thankful for (see the 2021 list here and the 2022 list here.) So I thought it was only right for me to share what I’m thankful for, as well (see what I was thankful for last year in this post.)

Here are a few things I’m thankful for (in addition to the obvious ones like family, friends, health, and shelter.)

Miles Oliver Hasty. We were given quite the surprise on November 10, 2022 when our son arrived 6 weeks before his due date. We are thankful that he’s doing so well despite being premature, we are thankful that labor and delivery went smoothly, we are thankful for the NICU doctors, nurses and staff for taking care of our baby 24/7. We are thankful that we have parental leave so that we can be with him in the hospital with him for most of the day. This isn’t how we imagined our first weeks of parenthood but we are aware that it could be so much worse. We adore our baby boy and we look forward to bringing him home soon.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

Travel. Prior to the pandemic, I think my husband and I took travel for granted, at least a little bit. We may have even resented it sometimes. My husband often traveled for work Monday through Thursday, nearly every week. That kind of travel has its perks but it also really takes a toll - it can be tiring! And it results in a lot of time apart. But then the pandemic hit and we couldn’t travel - we were, like everyone else, homebound. This year travel increased and felt a bit like “the before times” but in the best way. We traveled to Cabo for the first time since before the pandemic and it was just as wonderful as we’d remembered.

We also took trips to Disney World with Eric’s brother and his wife. Eric and I spent a weekend in NYC so that I could do some research on the novel I’m writing. We took a Hasty Family Vacation to Bend, Oregon with Eric’s brother, sister, their spouses, our nephew, and his parents. I followed this trip up with a trip to San Diego with my friend since middle school, Julie. Later in the summer Eric and I spent a long weekend in Miami for our babymoon, likely our last trip before Miles arrives.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

Becoming an aunt/meeting my nephew. As an only child, this role was not a guarantee and I was a bit taken aback at how much I cherish the position almost immediately. I teared up when we FaceTimed Eric’s sister and saw Gael (pronounced Guy-El) for the first time. But it was when we traveled to Kansas City to meet him and getting to hold him for the first time that it all really sank in.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

Taking photography courses with Hobbs Photo and Film. At the beginning of this year I chose to invest in an interest of mine that I’d long ignored: photography. I enrolled in all of the courses they offered at the beginning of the year including Virtual Beginner Photography in January, An Honest Self Portrait in February, and Finding Moments in March. I learned so much in those three short months and I continue to use what I learned even when I’m just taking photos of book stacks. But I also really miss taking classes with them - I had a great time listening to them talk about what makes a good photograph and what makes a good photograph a great one. I miss them looking at my photos and critiquing them. But mostly I look forward to applying what I’ve learned to taking photos of my newborn son. I also hope that someday they’ll take family photos for me.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

All the baby hype. From the teasers I posted on Instagram (here, here, and here), to the outstanding response to our unique baby announcement, to all the enthusiasm I received with each bump-date (here, here, and here), to the three amazing showers our friends in Chicago, my sorority sisters, and our friends in Missouri threw for us, to the outpouring of support I received from authors when I asked if they’d write guest posts for my maternity leave so that this blog wouldn’t go dormant while I figured out life as a new mother. I’m really blown away by all the love and support we received not just from family, but from our larger network including friends and colleagues.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

And of course, all the bookish things, too. This year seemed to be FULL of fun book events! Including two seasons with the Best of Women’s Fiction podcast (check out our Spring lineup here and our Fall lineup here.) I attended my first in-person book event in…2 years? Maybe more. When Lisa Barr spoke to @goodbookfairy about her latest novel, WOMAN ON FIRE, which Sharon Stone just optioned! Lauren, of the Good Book Fairy, described Lisa as, “a fierce supporter of women.” Lisa spoke about authors lifting one another up rather than competing for shelf space. It was such an inspirational and uplifting event.

I was asked to post an exclusive book cover reveal for the first time. I was honored to feature the cover of The Spice Master at Bistro Exotique by Samantha Verant. I had the opportunity to interview Emily Giffin in her hometown of Naperville about her latest novel, MEANT TO BE. I have a vivid memory from 2004 of picking up a book called Something Borrowed by a relatively unknown debut author and devouring it in one sitting. Who would’ve guessed I’d be on stage with that author eighteen years later interviewing her about her eleventh novel in front of 200 people? Not me, I never could have imagined this.

I celebrated with Alison Hammer and Bradeigh Godfrey at the Chicago release party of their debut joint novel, THE BEACH TRAP. I met and interviewed Therese Anne Fowler, an author I’ve admired for years. I was honored to be included in @newcitymag’s latest issue, THE LIT 50 2022 which features a variety of people shaping Chicago’s literary community. After interviewing Catherine Adel West for the Best of Women’s Fiction podcast, I got to meet her at a book event at Women and Children First. She was an absolute hoot! And finally (so far) I attended Bradeigh Godfrey’s release party for her debut solo novel, IMPOSTER.

At Home with the Hastys - What I'm Thankful For in 2022

More from the At Home with the Hastys Series…

For the entire At Home with the Hastys series, click here.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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