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At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery"

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery"

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery" (or rather his corner of the room)

The number one question I kept getting asked as my pregnancy moved along was what Miles’ nursery looked like. Well, we live in a tiny city condo - just two bedrooms and two bathrooms and we both work home. So giving Miles a room of his own was out of the question - instead he gets a corner. But I think we made it a really nice corner so I hope he doesn’t mind too much.

As baby shower gifts began to arrive, I quickly realized I needed a way to organize his things. You might remember from this post that our closets are quite small. For a hot minute I thought I could downsize my closet a bit and fit his tiny clothes in with mine but that dream didn’t last long. Instead, we opted for this shelving unit which can be expanded into a larger wall shelf unit. Then I added these baskets, which I also use in my own closet, and labeled them by size and item using these bin labels that came with a chalk marker so that as Miles grows, I can update the labels to reflect different sizes. I accessorized the shelves with two book box sets I received from my parents, the classics Goodnight Moon and Pat the Bunny. And to top it all off, I added the stuffed animal that was in the bassinet with me at the hospital where I was born, a sweet little dog with a spot on his side (just like Huxley.) I plan to bring this little guy with us to the hospital so that he can welcome Miles into the world just like he welcomed me into the world.

Shelf | Baskets | Bin Labels | Picture Frame | Goodnight Moon Box Set | Pat the Bunny Box Set

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery" (or rather his corner of the room)

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery" (the stuffed dog that welcomed me into the world will also welcome Miles into the world)

As for the other side of his corner: one of the first things we picked out for him was this crib. We have several other pieces from this collection including this console unit in our living room, which you can read more about in this post. The crib is considered a 4-in-1 because it can be set up like this, or the mattress can be lowered once he is old enough to pull himself upright, then you can convert it to a toddler bed with an opening on the side so that he can get out of bed himself, and finally it can be converted into a full size bed, which I thought would last him through high school. Eric said he’d outgrown a full-sized bed by the time he entered middle school, so I’ll chalk that up to tall-people problems. We went ahead and purchased all of the conversion kits at the same time that we purchased the crib, just in case the style was discontinued. We’ll see how long Miles fits in it. Should we place bets?

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery" (or rather his corner of the room)

We accessorized with these satin sheets. I went back and forth between satin and muslin sheets - I got conflicting advice on both sides. Some said to go with satin so that Miles wouldn’t end up with bald spots, others said satin sheets was overkill. In the end, I figured it couldn’t hurt to go with the satin and I really like how the dark green looks. I also bought them in black and white. I was going to buy this quilt as a gift for another baby that made his appearance this year, but when I showed it to Eric he said he wanted to keep it for Miles. Huxley took a liking to it almost immediately, as well, so it seemed meant to be. Then I received this darling blanket with tiny green trees and blue bows with Miles’ name embroidered on it as a gift from a friend of ours. It was the first thing I’d seen with Miles’ name on it and I may or may not have teared up a bit. They don’t seem to have this pattern in stock anymore, but I also received this solid blue version with Miles’ initials embroidered on it that I adore just as much.

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery" (or rather his corner of the room)

Finally, we swapped out a Picasso print that I’d purchased from the Eskenazi Museum of Art, back when I taught for the School of Art, Architecture and Design, and replaced it with this “Good Old Days” flag from Pointer and Pine, based out of Whitefish, Montana. They have a number of great flags/banners including this one with Huxley’s nickname on it, this one with a great motivational quote, and this one serving as a friendly reminder. But we loved the “Good Old Days” flag for Miles’ corner to remind us, during those midnight diaper changes, that one day we’ll look back on this and see them as the good old days, even if they don’t feel like that in the moment.

Crib | Sheets | Quilt | Blanket | Banner

And although this last piece isn’t in Miles’ “Nursery Corner'“ (or whatever we’re going to call it) I thought I’d mention we also got this Mid-Century Toy Dump with Bookrack to hold Miles’ ever-growing collection of books.

At Home with the Hastys - Miles' "Nursery"

More from the At Home with the Hastys Series…

For the entire At Home with the Hastys series, click here.

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