5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on Treat Yo Self Day
Happy Treat Yo Self Day! Can you believe it has been almost two years since the final episode of Parks and Rec aired? Me either! I hope we continue celebrating Treat Yo Self Day indefinitely. We could always use a little excuse to treat ourselves every once in awhile.
1. Buy a brand-new, hard back book
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day: 1. Buy a brand new, hard back book
If you read a lot, you may be like me and limit yourself to only paperback books or you might only go to the library to get books. On Treat Yo Self Day, though, go ahead and splurge on a brand-new, hard back book! You know the one with the silky book cover and the crisp pages. You know it will feel great in your hand and look great on your bookshelf. Here are a few new books that came out this month:
2. Read for as long as you want, without guilt
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day: 2. Read for as long as you want without guilt
Sometimes I have to set a timer so that I'll stop reading and get some work done for my real job (or on the weekends I set an alarm to just take a break, rest my eyes, walk my dog or eat lunch!) But on Treat Yo Self Day? Turn off all the alarms, set your phone on airplane mode, and read for as long as you want, without guilt.
3. Enjoy that book smell even when you don't have time to read with these book-scented candles
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day: 3. Buy a book-scented candle
So I know today is a work day and you may not have time to read, but you can still celebrate Treat Yo Self Day with a book-scented candle that will remind you of that feeling you get when you walk into a library or bookstore. Book lovers know that nothing beats the smell of a book - whether it is brand new or old and musky. Consider treating yourselves with one of these options:
4. Visit a literary destination
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day: 4. Visit a literary destination (here I am at Ernest Hemingway's childhood home.
Looking for something to do this weekend? Consider visiting a literary destination in celebration of Treat Yo Self Day (Why not make it a Treat Yo Self Weekend?) Some literary destinations at the top of my list, include:
- Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, Florida
- Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta, Georgia
- National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California
- Emily Dickinson Home in Amherst, Massachusetts
- Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut
- Mark Twain's Childhood Home in Hannibal, Missouri
- The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts
- Ingalls Homestead in De Smet, South Dakota
5. Buy a nice purse big enough to carry a book with you at all times
5 Ways All Book-Lovers Should Treat Themselves on 'Treat Yo Self' Day: 5. Buy a purse big enough to carry a book with you at all times.
I just bought a new purse that's big enough to carry a book with me at all times, and it has changed. my. life. I had A LOT of requirements: it must be black, it must be a cross body, it must be fashionable, it must have an outside pocket for my phone, and it must fit a book (plus my wallet, keys, and a pair of sunglasses.) After a lot of looking around I found the perfect one for me. You might like some of these suggestions: