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5 Things You Didn't Know About Densie Webb

5 Things You Didn't Know About Densie Webb

5 Things You Didn't Know About Densie Webb

Densie Webb, author of WHEN ROBINS APPEAR, shares 5 things about her you might be surprised to know

  1. I have a science background—a Ph.D. in nutrition/biochemistry. I’ve spent the bulk of my freelance writing/editing career writing about health and nutrition for magazines, newsletters, etc and for professional food and nutrition journals. I still write a couple of nutrition articles a month, but I’m now more focused on my fiction writing.

  2. I’m a registered dietitian (RD). I worked at a hospital managing the kitchen and counseling patients for a brief period many moons ago, but quickly decided that it wasn’t for me and turned to writing and editing. I’ve kept up my status as an RD, but haven’t done patient counseling in a very long time. I still sometimes get emails via my author website with requests for nutrition counseling, which I politely decline.

  3. I lived in New York for 13 years (Manhattan and Brooklyn) and during that time I was a semi-regular contributor to The New York Times. Issac Asimov’s nephew, Eric Asimov, was my editor. One of my six degrees of separation from fame, you might say.

  4. I owned a motorcycle when I was younger. It now seems like a distant memory or maybe that it was actually someone else, but back in the day I would hop on my gold Yamaha and go places.

  5. My husband of many years started as a vacation fling in Israel. That was following a fling in Switzerland (no judging), which led me to the trip to Israel. Long story. Whenever I want to write a scene about attraction, I always think back to seeing my husband for the first time. It really was a breath-catching moment for me. After many years together and 2 grown children, I no longer have difficulty breathing when he walks into the room, but I do remember that feeling. Our life is far more staid now, which is a good thing. I don’t think it would be healthy to sustain that feeling for years.

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The Education of Delhomme: Chopin, Sand, and La France

The Education of Delhomme: Chopin, Sand, and La France

Kristin Bair

Kristin Bair