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25 Authors and What They'd Be if They Weren't Writing Books

25 Authors and What They'd Be if They Weren't Writing Books

25 Authors and What They'd Be if They Weren't Writing Books

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Sadie Hoagland

writer at fortune cookie company, or the person in charge of naming nail polish colors or crayons.

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Jane Bernstein

In real life: an editor. (I’d been a magazine editor and enjoyed it.)

In an alternate reality, I’d be an Olympic-caliber long-distance runner. After many winning years, I’d buy a greenhouse and nursery. I’d continue to run recreationally, of course.

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Gavin Edwards

Computer programmer. Or at least that was my plan when I was 17. Coding and writing are different in many ways, but they have similar thrills, including the satisfaction of building something that didn't exist before, using only your mind.


Beverly Gray

a motion picture development exec or a professor of English. But hey! I have been both those things, and the life of an author is much better.


Jessica Keener

Book editor

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Abdi Nazemian

I mean, in another universe, I would love to be an epidemiologist or medical researcher. I say this knowing I have no knowledge of science and had to take “Physics for Poets” in college because I couldn’t get through a real science class. But coming of age as a gay man in the age of AIDS made me a little obsessed with the people who are on the front lines of medicine.

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Anne Montgomery

I sometimes tell my students that, if I won the lottery, I’d go back to school and study archaeology. I have a deep love of history. In fact, though I’m primarily a journalism/communications teacher, I’m certified to teach history, as well. In 18 years, I have only taught history once, but I truly enjoyed it, especially teaching about the ancient world and the beginnings of civilization.

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Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

theatrical character actress playing spiky aunts and enigmatic grandmothers.


Jennifer Ashley


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Liv Constantine

VAL - Singer

LYNNE - An actor


Tom Hunt

Something creative, probably something to do with writing

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Chanel Cleeton

I’d be working in international politics in some capacity probably for a think tank or an international organization

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Kimmery Martin

Well, I am a doctor, so there’s that. But if I had to pick a third career, it would be interior designer.

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Lexie Elliott

Secret scribbler, longing for publication, whilst also working in fund management. So basically exactly the same as my present situation, except that now I feel confident enough not to be secret about my scribbling.

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Lauren Willig

Does not compute…. I can’t imagine life without writing fiction.


John Boyne

An aspiring author


Kate Greathead

a courthouse stenographer


Donna Lucey

Media editor—curating art, photographs, objects, bits of odd ephemera, for publication. In fact, that is the job I hold four days per week while also writing. (One does need medical benefits, especially when married to a freelance writer.)


C.S. Harris

I’d probably still be a history professor. I do miss it sometimes.


Colleen D. Scott

a finance and accounting executive

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David Ricciardi

Dog. Probably with a tennis ball in my mouth.


Andrea Thome

Photographer. I take all of the pictures for my covers. I love to travel too, so I’d probably make a pretty decent gypsy as an alternative.


Marti Green

lawyer (which I was). It was a profession I loved.

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Susan Jacques

museum curator

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Susan Meissner

Bookstore/Café owner even though I would probably hate the business side of it. I would need a partner to do the math and the Excel stuff and the Quick Books and all that what not. I would want to just fill the shelves, buy the scones, chat with people, pour coffee, pat the store cat, pick the Pandora playlist.

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