What We Lose


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What We Lose

What We Lose

Book Review - What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons


What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons is a short, quick read but also powerful and impactful. It is meditative as it explores grief. As I was reading, part of me was grateful that I was many years removed from the loss of my Grandpa and my own mother's breast cancer diagnoses. The other part of me felt I would have been comforted by this book knowing someone else gets it. They get my complicated feelings towards breast cancer, loss, and how we grieve.

Reading What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons in River West, Chicago

Reading What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons in River West, Chicago

The story is about Thandi, a child of a black mother from Johannesburg and a white father from the United States. We follow Thandi as she navigates her mother's cancer diagnoses and ultimately the loss of her mother to the disease. She struggles with her relationships with her mother, father, friends, and lovers. She struggles with the feeling of not belonging, not being black or white, foreign or American, an orphan or daughter.

Reading What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons in River West, Chicago

Reading What We Lose by Zinzi Clemmons in River West, Chicago

This book was beautifully written. If you don't have a lot of time to read, but want something that feels significant and thoughtful and moving, this is your book. Although this is Zinzi Clemmons' first novel, she is not new to writing. Her interviews, essays, and short stories have appeared in a number of publications. I look forward to reading more from this author.

What We Lose: A Novel
By Zinzi Clemmons
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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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