Fierce Kingdom


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Fierce Kingdom

Fierce Kingdom

Book Review - Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips

I. Loved. This. Book. I LOVED this book. I nearly read it all in one close. And I wanted to finish it but it was past midnight and I couldn't keep my eyes open despite being desperate to know how it ended. Not sure what to read next? Need something that is guaranteed to entertain you? THIS is your book.

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

I'm torn on how much to tell you about this book, because the synopsis I read was so vague that I wasn't certain I'd like it. On the other hand, I loved the surprise - not knowing what was going to happen and then being surprised by how good it was. The woes of being a book blogger! Let's start with the synopsis I read on the inside cover:

"The zoo is nearly empty as Joan and her four-year-old son soak up the last few moments of playtime. They are happy, and the day has been close to perfect. But what Joan sees as she hustles her son toward the exit gate minutes before closing time sends her sprinting back into the zoo, her child in her arms. And for the next three hours—the entire scope of the novel—she keeps on running.
Joan’s intimate knowledge of her son and of the zoo itself—the hidden pathways and under-renovation exhibits, the best spots on the carousel and overstocked snack machines—is all that keeps them a step ahead of danger.
A masterful thrill ride and an exploration of motherhood itself—from its tender moments of grace to its savage power—Fierce Kingdom asks where the boundary is between our animal instinct to survive and our human duty to protect one another. For whom should a mother risk her life?"

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

One of the things I loved about this book is how it instantly grabbed my attention and kept me in rapture from beginning to end. The other thing is how it all takes place in a span of just three hours, which is unusual for a mystery, but works so well in this book. Finally, the bulk of the book is about Joan and her son - there are very few characters in this book at all and only two we get to know with any depth. Yet, these two characters kept me glued to my book during any free minute I had. I was desperate to know how it ended.

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

Reading Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips at the Lincoln Park Zoo

So, in conclusion, go read this book! You won't regret it.

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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