Scaachi Koul In-depth Discussion of Important Issues - Essay


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One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter

One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter

Book Review - One Day We'll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter by Scaachi Koul

In April, when the Book of the Month club selections came out - the quote featured in the desription of this book read:

In her debut, Koul tackles regular essay collection stuff—meditations on relationships, family, identity – but the best part of it is that she’s funny as sh*t.
— Kevin Nguyen, BOTM Judge

So I had expectations of in-depth discussions of important issues with lots of comic flair. I think it is important to point out my expectations to explain my rating. Because the book wasn't bad, in fact is was good. It is important book discussing important topics. One Day We'll All Be Dead And None of This Will Matter definitely met my expectations of being an in-depth discussion of important issues - Scaachi Koul dives into a number of difficult topics with grace including racism, sexism, sexual assault, ethnic stereotypes, and bullying. But I didn't find it funny. The author may have gotten a chuckle out of me, but "funny as sh*t" is really misleading. To be fair, I wasn't familiar with Scaachi Koul's work prior to this book. So those of you who are already fans might be more in tune with her brand of humor. But if you're not a member of the Koul fan-club - perhaps this book is not the best introduction to her humor.

I did, however, relate to a few of her more random quotes. For example on page 236 Koul writes, "I get angry at toaster ovens (TERRIBLE FOR POP TARTS)..." Which spoke to me deeply. Shortly after getting married, my husband and I just moved into our first apartment together and I popped two pop-tarts into the toaster. I went about my business getting ready for the day when my stomach growled and I realized I hadn't eaten my pop-tarts! So I went back into the kitchen and smoke was shooting out of the toaster up to the ceiling and my pop-tarts were charred black through and through. The little mechanism that is supposed to pop the pop-tarts out when they were done had malfunctioned. I went without a toaster for 7 years after that incident. 

In conclusion, the book was good. One of my favorite things about reading is getting the opportunity to understand someone who lived a totally different life mine just a little bit better. Scaachi Koul provided that and more. I learned A LOT from this just wasn't funny. 

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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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