Ultimate Amaretto Sour


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Ultimate Amaretto Sour

Ultimate Amaretto Sour

Ultimate Amaretto Sour | I feel as passionately about this Amaretto Sour as I do about my Gin & Tonic recipe. This is the best Amaretto Sour you’ll ever have and the secret ingredient is @luxardousa amaretto - no other amaretto will do.

- 2oz @luxardousa amaretto
- 1oz fresh lemon juice
- 1 egg white

In a cocktail shaker without ice, combine two ounces of amaretto, an ounce of fresh lemon juice, and one egg white. Shake that all up hard without ice (that's called a dry shake). Add ice and shake again hard. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish, if you wish, with brandied cherries (obviously I recommend a @luxardousa cherry.) Note: most Amaretto Sour recipes include simple syrup or some form of sweetener, but I find those recipes to be too sweet for me. If you have more of a sweet tooth, then add a little simple syrup to this recipe.

Here’s the thing, sometimes I’m feeling lazy and I don’t want to dirty up more dishes than necessary. When that is the case, I eliminate the egg white and just combine the amaretto with lemon juice over ice and stir. #ahastycocktail

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