The Best Gin and Tonic Ever


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The Best Gin and Tonic Ever

The Best Gin and Tonic Ever

Are you ready for The. Best. Gin and Tonic. Ever? A couple weeks ago I posted about my love for @tanquerayginMalacca and that post sparked a discussion about the best tonics. Someone (and I can’t remember who! If it was you shoot me a message so I can credit you!) recommended I try @jackrudycocktailco classic tonic syrup. It arrived on Tuesday so I mixed up a gin and tonic based on the recipe printed on the Jack Rudy bottle - and hot damn. That made the best gin and tonic I’ve ever had. Bar none. Including that Gin and Tonic I had at the fancy hotel who first introduced me to Tanqueray Malacca. Here’s the only gin and tonic recipe you’ll ever need:

- 2oz of @tanquerayusa Malacca (it has to be Malacca, don’t substitute anything else)
- 3/4oz of Jack Rudy Cocktail Co’s Classic Tonic Syrup (I haven’t tried their other flavors…which I will do when I’m done with the three bottles of this one that I purchased.)
- 5oz of club soda
- Ice
- Lime

Put ice in a mixing glass. Add Tanqueray Malacca and Jack Rudy Cocktail Co’s Classic Tonic Syrup. Mix with a mixing spoon. Add ice to your drinking vessel. Cut the lime into a wedge and (this is the part my husband added and it was genius) rub around the rim of the glass then place for garnish. Add contents of your mixing glass (gin and tonic syrup) top with 5oz of club soda. Enjoy The. Best. Gin and Tonic. Ever. 

PS - some people (ahem, DAD!) prefer a stronger Gin and Tonic so maybe add more gin and a little less club soda.



Chai Tea Margarita

Chai Tea Margarita