Tequila Sunrise


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Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise

Feliz Navidad! Last year my family and I spent Christmas in Cabo, Mexico and I’m kinda missing that tropical weather right about now. I’m thinking if we mix up a Tequila Sunrise and sit really close to the fire (and close our eyes) we might be able to imagine for just a minute that we are on a Mexican holiday. Thanks to @jackrudycocktailco for the grenadine in this cocktail!

- 3oz fresh orange juice
- 1.5 oz tequila blanco
- .5oz @jackrudycocktailco grenadine

Fill you glass with ice and pour in the orange juice and tequila. Use a cocktail spoon or stirrer (how great are these glass stirrers I got as souvenirs from my last trip to Cabo?) to gently mix ingredients together. Slowly pour in grenadine and let in sink to the bottom. Enjoy the pretty appearance but then be sure to stir and mix thoroughly before drinking or you’ll get a shot of straight tequila with your first sip. #ahastycocktail

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