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Book Series for Adults

Book Series for Adults

Book Series for Adults

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Reading book series is a fantastic way for adults to rekindle and sustain a passion for reading. These series offer extended and immersive narratives that captivate readers over multiple volumes, creating a deep and lasting engagement with the story and its characters.

One of the most compelling aspects of book series is their ability to tell intricate and expansive stories that single novels often cannot match. Each book builds on the last, developing complex plots and rich worlds that draw readers in and keep them coming back for more. Series like George R.R. Martin’s *A Song of Ice and Fire* or Diana Gabaldon’s *Outlander* demonstrate this perfectly. They weave together multiple storylines and characters, creating a tapestry of narrative that feels both vast and intimately detailed. This kind of storytelling provides a sustained thrill, as readers eagerly anticipate the next installment to discover what happens next.

For adults, this continuous engagement is particularly appealing. Life can be hectic, and finding time to read can be challenging. However, the excitement and anticipation generated by a book series can motivate readers to carve out time to read. Knowing that a favorite character’s journey continues or that a cliffhanger will soon be resolved can make reading feel less like a solitary activity and more like a long-awaited reunion with old friends.

Another significant advantage of reading book series is the familiarity they offer. Once you are introduced to the characters, settings, and overarching plot in the initial books, it becomes easier to dive into subsequent installments. There’s no need to spend time getting to know new characters or understand new settings from scratch. This familiarity allows readers to immediately immerse themselves in the story, deepening their emotional connection to the characters and their adventures. For instance, in Louise Penny’s *Chief Inspector Armand Gamache* series, readers grow increasingly attached to the recurring characters and the quaint village of Three Pines, making each new book a comforting return to a beloved world.

Book series also provide an opportunity for extensive character development, which can be particularly satisfying for adult readers. Over multiple books, authors can explore the complexities of their characters, allowing them to evolve and grow in ways that are deeply resonant. This depth of character development can create a strong emotional bond between the reader and the characters, as readers witness their triumphs, failures, and growth over time. For example, in Patrick Rothfuss’s *The Kingkiller Chronicle*, readers follow the protagonist Kvothe through different stages of his life, gaining a profound understanding of his character.

Additionally, the anticipation of waiting for the next book in a series can be an enjoyable part of the reading experience for adults. The release of a new book becomes an event, something to look forward to and even discuss with fellow fans. This communal aspect of reading series can enhance the overall experience, making it more social and interactive. Online forums, book clubs, and social media groups dedicated to discussing book series add another layer of enjoyment and engagement for adult readers.

In conclusion, book series are a powerful tool for fueling a love for reading among adults. Their exciting and engaging stories, combined with the ease of understanding characters and settings, create a deeply immersive and satisfying reading experience. Whether through the thrill of an unfolding plot, the comfort of familiar characters, or the anticipation of future installments, book series offer a rich and rewarding journey that can reignite and sustain a passion for reading.

Below I am sharing a round-up of book series that would appeal to adults. If you’re interested in book series for kids, click here.

20 Book Series for Adults

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

About: Set in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, this epic fantasy series follows noble families as they vie for control of the Iron Throne.

Appeal: Rich world-building, complex characters, and unpredictable plot twists.

Engagement: Intricate political intrigue and dramatic battles keep readers on edge.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

About: A historical romance series following Claire Randall, a WWII nurse who time-travels to 18th-century Scotland and meets Highland warrior Jamie Fraser.

Appeal: Detailed historical settings, strong romance, and time-travel elements.

Engagement: Vivid historical detail and emotional depth draw readers into Claire and Jamie’s adventures.

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson)

About: A high fantasy series centered on the battle between the forces of Light and Shadow, featuring the Dragon Reborn and his companions.

Appeal: Extensive world-building, a large ensemble cast, and an epic scope.

Engagement: Complex lore and a gripping narrative arc spanning 14 books.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

About: The journey of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends as they confront the dark wizard Voldemort.

Appeal: Magical world, relatable characters, and themes of friendship and courage.

Engagement: Progressive character development and engaging magical adventures.

The Expanse by James S.A. Corey

About: A science fiction series set in a future where humanity has colonized the Solar System, focusing on political intrigue and space warfare.

Appeal: Realistic science fiction, diverse characters, and political drama.

Engagement: Fast-paced action and a well-constructed universe.

The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss

About: The life story of Kvothe, a legendary figure, told through his own narration.

Appeal: Lyrical prose, deep character study, and rich world-building.

Engagement: Poetic storytelling and a captivating protagonist.

The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin

About: Set in a world plagued by apocalyptic seismic activity, it follows Essun as she tries to survive and find her daughter.

Appeal: Innovative world-building, strong thematic elements, and diverse characters.

Engagement: Powerful narrative and social commentary intertwined with fantasy.

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

About: In a world where ash falls from the sky, a group of rebels with unique magical abilities attempts to overthrow an immortal tyrant.

Appeal: Unique magic system, well-crafted plot twists, and dynamic characters.

Engagement: Inventive world and engaging heist-like plots.

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

About: Harry Dresden, a wizard private investigator in modern-day Chicago, solves supernatural crimes.

Appeal: Urban fantasy, humor, and a mix of mystery and magic.

Engagement: Fast-paced and entertaining with an engaging protagonist.

Discworld by Terry Pratchett

About: A satirical fantasy series set on the flat Discworld, which is supported by four elephants on the back of a giant turtle.

Appeal: Humor, satire, and clever social commentary.

Engagement: Whimsical and thought-provoking stories that blend fantasy with satire.

The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

About: Set in the storm-ravaged world of Roshar, it follows multiple characters with interconnected destinies.

Appeal: Deep lore, complex characters, and a unique magic system.

Engagement: Epic scope and richly detailed storytelling.

The Dark Tower by Stephen King

About: A blend of fantasy, horror, and Western genres, it follows Roland Deschain’s quest to find the Dark Tower.

Appeal: Genre-mixing, mythic quest, and Stephen King’s signature suspense.

Engagement: Intriguing world and a relentless protagonist.

The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer

About: A mysterious area known as Area X and the expeditions that explore its strange phenomena.

Appeal: Psychological horror, environmental themes, and enigmatic narrative.

Engagement: Atmospheric and mind-bending storytelling.

The Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger

About: A steampunk series featuring Alexia Tarabotti, a woman without a soul, who navigates a Victorian London filled with vampires and werewolves.

Appeal: Humorous tone, strong female lead, and steampunk aesthetics.

Engagement: Witty and charming with engaging supernatural elements.

The Gentleman Bastard Sequence by Scott Lynch

About: Follows the adventures of Locke Lamora and his band of thieves in a richly imagined fantasy world.

Appeal: Clever heists, witty dialogue, and intricate plotting.

Engagement: Engrossing capers and dynamic character relationships.

The Culture Series by Iain M. Banks

About: Set in a post-scarcity utopian society, it explores various moral and philosophical issues through standalone stories.

Appeal: Philosophical depth, imaginative technology, and ethical dilemmas.

Engagement: Thought-provoking narratives with grand scale and detail.

The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

About: Follows Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter, in a dark fantasy world filled with political intrigue and moral ambiguity.

Appeal: Dark and gritty tone, complex characters, and moral complexity.

Engagement: Engaging action and richly textured world.

The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

About: A gritty fantasy series with interconnected tales of power, violence, and redemption.

Appeal: Dark humor, realistic characters, and brutal realism.

Engagement: Gripping and morally ambiguous storytelling.

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

About: A military fantasy inspired by Chinese history, focusing on a young woman’s rise through the ranks in a war-torn land.

Appeal: Historical influences, strong female protagonist, and intense warfare.

Engagement: Vividly depicted battles and deep emotional stakes.

The Inheritance Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin

About: Set in a world where gods and mortals interact, it follows a complex narrative of power and revenge.

Appeal: Lush world-building, intricate plot, and exploration of power dynamics.

Engagement: Captivating prose and richly imagined mythology.

These series each offer unique worlds and compelling narratives that engage readers through well-developed characters, intricate plots, and immersive settings. Whether you enjoy epic fantasy, gripping sci-fi, or thrilling historical adventures, there is a series on this list to fuel your love for reading.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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