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Margaret Izard

Margaret Izard

Author Interview - Margaret Izard

Author of Stone of Fear, book 2 Stones of Iona Series

She’d give everything to keep his love. He’d chase her through time to save her soul.

Marie Murray, a spunky expert on spiritual buildings, jumps at the opportunity to renovate the chapel mosaic floor at Dunstaffnage Castle, where she falls hard for the dashing John MacArthur. From their first kiss, sparks fly.

Believing her religious renovation creates magic, a fanatical priest kidnaps Marie. Obsessed with obtaining a powerful magic Stone of Iona, he drags her to 15th-century Scotland.

With his love kidnapped, John must tackle his hereditary duty and locate a magic Fae stone while chasing his love across time. Her memories of their passion keep her sane. His fuel his will to find her.

Will John get to Marie in time to save her soul?

Author I draw inspiration from:

Dianna Gabaldon, Donna Grant, Sarah Maas

Author Interview - Margaret Izard | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

Either my lazyboy chair, the beach, or the patio.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

So many to choose from! I'd have to go with someone whose been in the past as well as the future since I write time travel. Claire Randall/Fraser from Outlander series to pick her brain on the differences between the times from someone who has been there.

Author Interview - Margaret Izard | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I’ve always wanted to write but never had the confidence. I’d write a short story, then trash it over and over. I’ve told stories my whole life, be it dancing or acting. It wasn’t until I finished tutoring my triplets through college that I finally put my foot down and said, “This is it!” Once my family overcame their shock, I wrote my first book, then another, and another. It’s those great classics from ballet and theatre training that inspire me. Folk and fairy tales that I put a twist or a spin on creating innovative stories.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I like them all - each has their purposes.
Hardbacks are for collecting and usually are signed by the author.
Paperbacks bring me back to my youth and reading.
ebooks is how I read everything now.
Audiobooks are excellent for travel!

The last book I read:

Magnar written by an author friend Mary Morgan who also writes with Wild Rose Press. She is one of the reason's I submitted to Wild Rose Press when I decided to write. I've read her books since she began and have loved them.

Author Interview - Margaret Izard | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I am tied to my laptop and travel with it always. I am a plotter with a muse that let's lose every so often. Typically, I am a 9-5 girl but some of my best ideas come at 3am which I make notes on my phone for later.
I have an extensive background in dance and acting. My performance background is my greatest asset to my writing. It’s how I work through each story. From scene to scene, I run the overall story arc in my head like a movie or a play. I’m the director/choreographer, and the characters are my actors/dancers. I run scenes differently to produce the outcome I want/need to push the story forward. The dance training has had a significant impact on writing scenes that involve body movement. Merging physical details with emotion is a particular favorite of mine.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

I'm going to cheat a little. It started as a play and went to the screen, Steel Magnolia's Claire Bletcher played by Olympia Dukakis.
My favorite quotes are:
Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!
The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.
I have a strong sense of humor and I imagine we'd have a lot of laughs.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

Some past careers I've had include, professional ballerina (dancer), dance teacher, competitive gymnastics coach and performer, acting, marketing and communications, graphic artist/brand specialist, and my personal favorite wife and mother of triplets.
My dream career would be to see both my book series made into TV/cable series.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

I LOVE to dress up. I've sewn costumes for years and own many. Probably due to all the dancing I've done. Each year we attend the Rennaissance Festival and I dress up. My personal favorite is an 18th century Scottish lady. But I have a fairy (with wings), a pirate and an English lady for when I want to switch it up.
My kids dress up as well and on occasion my husband wears his kilt.

Place I’d most like to travel:

This spring we travel to Yellow Stone with my family, but my next dream destination is London, UK. I had a layover on the way to and from Scotland but only viewed it from the airport. Another on the list is Ireland.

My signature drink:

My main liquid consumption is water, wine, juice, coffee; ordered most to least. A beer every so often is good too.
When my triplets were young, beer was "mommies' juice." Now that they are in their twenties, wine is "mom's juice."
I am a huge fan of good wine and love to pair them with meals when we dine out.

Favorite artist:

Art, it's Peter Max! I own a few of his works and had the privilege of visiting his studio in NYC years ago where he signed a poster I cherish.
Music, I love most all music. Each genre has its place be it classical, rock, pop, country. It just depends on where I'm at and what I'm doing.
Musicals. I am a sucker for live musicals due to my performing arts background.
Fun note. As a child I'd put on my parent's records and dance around the living room, ALOT. As an adult I can be found dancing in my home often and still do ballet classes.

Number one on my bucket list:

More traveling abroad. I've done, Mexico, Scotland, USA, Hawaii and many Caribbean destinations but would like to add more UK locations.

Anything else you'd like to add:

I get asked, “What sets your book apart from others in the paranormal romance genre?" My answer is... My tagline is: Where the realms collide, true love is found. My storytelling signature is a twist on the classics, which I merge into an emotional love story as I sprinkle magic. When combined, my stories provide the perfect escape.
My Stones of Iona series is seven books with three Christmas Companion books. Another series tied to the stones is the Dragons of Tantallon, which has seven books with three companion books. Make sure to stay connected so you don’t miss out!

Find more from the author:

  • https://twitter.com/mizardauthor

  • https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074957055613

  • https://www.instagram.com/mizardauthor/

About Margaret Izard:

Author Interview - Margaret Izard

Margaret Izard is a multi-award-winning author of historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. She spent her early years through college to adulthood dedicated to dance, theater, and performing. Over the years, she developed a love for great storytelling in different mediums. She does not waste a good story, be it movement, the spoken, or the written word. She discovered historical romance novels in middle school, which combined her passion for romance, drama, and fantasy. She writes exciting plot lines, steamy love scenes and always falls for a strong male with a soft heart. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and adult triplets and loves to hear from readers.

Readers can email me at: info@margaretizardauthor.com

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